DSA: Medical Terminology Flashcards
Absence of secretion of bile (acholic stools are clay colored)
Rumbling noise caused by propulsion of gas thru intestines
Acute paroxysmal abdominal pain
Courvoisier’s sign
Enlarged non-tender gallbladder secondary to pancreatic disease or cancer
Cullen Sign
Ecchymosis around the umbilicus secondary to hemorrhage
Abnormal tissue development, alteration in size, shape, and organization of cells
Expulsion of swallowed air, aka burping!
Gastric condition where there is endothelial damage WITHOUT inflammation
Grey Turner sign
Flank ecchymosis secondary to hemorrhage
Globus pharyngeus
Foreign body sensation localized in the neck that does NOT interfere w/ swallowing and sometimes is relieved w/ swallowing. Often occurs in the setting of anxiety or OCD. Clinical experience teaches that it is often attributable to GERD
Severe intractable constipation caused by intestinal obstruction
Pneumobilia, Pneumomediastinum, and Pneumoperitoneum
Pneumobilia: gas in the biliary system/bile ducts
Pneumomediastinum: air or gas in the mediastinum, may interfere w/ circulation (lead to pneumonia or pneuopericardium), occur spontaneous or due to trauma, pathology, or after diagnostic procedure
Pneumoperitoneum: air or gas in the peritoneal cavity
Substernal burning sensation, aka heartburn
What does rebound tenderness test for?
Peritoneal inflammation
Peristalsis of stomach and esophagus conducted w/ a closed glottis
Ineffectual and painful straining at stool (or urination)
Stone from kidney making its way thru ureter to bladder, urine analysis will show hematuria
Virchow’s node
Palpable mass, lymph node, in the left supraclavicular/sternoclavicular fossa
Coffee Ground Emesis
blood congealed and separated within gastric contents that take form of coffee grounds when in contact w/ acidic environment
profound and marked state of constitutional disorder; general ill health and malnutrition
Dyspepsia vs Dysphagia
Dyspepsia: postprandial epigastric discomfort
Dyspepsia: difficulty in swallowing
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
protecting response in muscle resulting from pain/fear of movement, voluntary vs involuntary
bright red blood or maroon stool
dark colored stool consisted w/ broken down hemosiderin in bowel; typically malodorous, sticky, thick like paste, “tarry”
upper GI bleeding
local defect, or excavation, of organ surface/tissue, produced by shedding of inflamed necrotic tissue
kidney stone moving way thru ureter to bladder, UA shows hematuria
Virchow’s Node
palpable mass, LN, in left supraclavicular/sternoclavicular fossa
-take their supply from lymph vessels in the abdominal cavity, and are therefore sentinel lymph nodes of cancer in the abdomen, particularly gastric, ovarian, testicular and kidney cancer, that has spread through the lymph vessels, and Hodgkin’s lymphoma