Practical Investigation - BIOLOGICAL Flashcards
What was the title of our biological practical?
There is no correlation between an open personality and an individuals attitude towards recreational drugs
What was the abstract of our biological practical?
Is personality a factor in whether an individual is more/less likely to take recreational drugs? 12 participants completed the BF15 personality questions and accompanying questionnaire. Their attitude was measured with a series of questions. There was no correlation between open personality scores and attitude towards recreational drugs.This suggests there is no link between recreational drug use and type of personality an individual has.However there are doubts on the validity of the measurements obtained in this study.
What was the aim of our biological practical?
to find out whether there was a link between personality traits and the likelihood of an individual taking recreational drugs.
Why did we choose our aim of our biological practical?
It is claimed that the more open minded you are, the more likely you are to try recreational drugs or have a more positive attitude towards recreational drugs.In this investigation, attitude towards drugs was measured using a self report questionnaire a it allows for an unbiased point of view
How did we check an individual’s attitude towards recreational drugs?
This is done by using a series of open ended questions to assess an individual’s attitude towards recreational drugs.If openness does lead to a positive attitude towards recreational drugs, there should be a correlation between personality and attitude scores.
What was our alternative hypothesis?
There will be a positive correlation between an open personality and attitudes towards recreational drugs
What was our null hypothesis?
There will be no correlation between an open personality and attitude towards recreational drugs.
What was the design of our biological practical?
Correlational design with two co-variables
What were the two co-variables of our biological practical?
Attitudes towards recreational drugs, operationalised by a self report questionnaire
Openness, operationalised as scores on the BFI Scale.
How were extraneous variables controlled in our biological practical?
Extraneous variables were controlled by standardising the procedure including the conditions under which the questionnaire was given and the instructions given to the participants.
What was our sample like for our biological practical?
The participants were a sample of 12 female students from a selective school in the Midlands. Their mean age was 16 years. They came from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. - chosen from experimenters’ friends and family
What materials did we use for our biological practical?
A Questionnaire using the ___ Scale and the BFI scale. A Google Sheets was also required to confirm data and program it into a spreadsheet.
What was the procedure like for our biological practical?
The nature of the experiment was explained with information given about what was measured (attitudes towards recreational drugs and relationships with personality) with its anonymity, and following an ethical briefing, they asked to take part in the experiment using a standardised script.
Those who agreed to do so were given a copy of the questionnaire electronically through email and we deselected the button so that responses could not be identified by emails; they were then to complete it with standardised instructions.
Participants completed the questionnaire and were debriefed on what they had then taken part through a standardised script. They were ethically debriefed and given an email address to post any inquiries they had about the experiment.
What were the results of our biological practical?
They were analysed by Google Sheets software, where incomplete questionnaire responses were removed from the data.
The scores were calculated through a scale where attitudes were from 0-5 and personality was from 1-7.
The mean personality score was 6.7
What did the scatter graph show about our results of the biological practical?
There was no correlation between personality and attitude towards recreational drug scores