Practical Intervention Strategies and Materials For ELLs With Language Impairment Flashcards
I. Holistic Strategies Approach
Main goal is ________ success
_________ of holistic strategies approach:
________ processing skills -> universal design for ______ and use of _________ -> social language, vocab, ____ -> CCSS -> competent ______ and _____ language -> ________ success
I. Holistic Strategies Approach
Main goal is VOCATIONAL success
COMPONENTS of holistic strategies approach:
COGNITIVE processing skills -> universal design for LEARNING and use of TECHNOLOGY -> social language, vocab, LITERACY -> CCSS -> competent ACADEMIC and SOCIAL language -> VOCATIONAL success
II. Strategies For Modifying the Physical and Linguistic Environment For ELL Students with LI
1. Limit clutter and distractions in the environment
Classrooms today have multiple _______ and visual _____ that are very distracting
Use the office, corner of the room, nothing on wall, like a library corner/cubicle
________ to block out noise
II. Strategies For Modifying the Physical and Linguistic Environment For ELL Students with LI
1. Limit clutter and distractions in the environment
Classrooms today have multiple AUDITORY and visual STIMULI that are very distracting
Use the office, corner of the room, nothing on wall, like a library corner/cubicle
HEADPHONES to block out noise
2. Do not give important information when the room is noisy.
Students often have difficulty with ____-ground ability, or the ability to “pick out” the professional’s voice from other ______ stimuli
Even typically-developing ELL students may have extra difficulty if there is a poor SNR and the teacher is speaking rapidly using decontextualized language that is typical of classrooms.
Listening conditions in the classroom need to be favorable.
Processing information in L2 under less-than-ideal conditions is a ___ factor for ELLs with LI
research shows that children perform better when the teacher’s voice is _______, use of FM units is encouraged
2. Do not give important information when the room is noisy.
Students often have difficulty with FIGURE-ground ability, or the ability to “pick out” the professional’s voice from other AUDITORY stimuli
Even typically-developing ELL students may have extra difficulty if there is a poor SNR and the teacher is speaking rapidly using decontextualized language that is typical of classrooms.
Listening conditions in the classroom need to be favorable.
Processing information in L2 under less-than-ideal conditions is a RISK factor for ELLs with LI
research shows that children perform better when the teacher’s voice is AMPLIFIED, use of FM units is encouraged
3. Make good seating arrangements in classroom settings:
Seat speakers of the ___ language together so they can provide assistance to each other, using __ for support in learning _______ content.
ELL students with __ need to sit close to the front of the classroom.
3. Make good seating arrangements in classroom settings:
Seat speakers of the SAME language together so they can provide assistance to each other, using L1 for support in learning ACADEMIC content.
ELL students with LI need to sit close to the front of the classroom.
4. Use Preparatory Sets
Always _____ an activity or therapy session with a preparatory set
Make sure the students know what is ____ (first calendar, then math, then reading, then recess.)
this way, students know the “______” and are prepared for what will _____.
Especially important for students not accustomed to _______
Many ___-____ students have little experience with _______, teach it explicitly
4. Use Preparatory Sets
Always BEGIN an activity or therapy session with a preparatory set
Make sure the students know what is AHEAD (first calendar, then math, then reading, then recess.)
this way, students know the “LAYOUT” and are prepared for what will FOLLOW.
Especially important for students not accustomed to STRUCTURE
Many LOW-SES students have little experience with STRUCTURE, teach it explicitly
5. Slow down your rate of speech.
Students benefit if we pause ________ to give them _______ time.
Research shows that __ students process more slowly than typically-developing students.
LI students, especially those who are ____, profit when professionals ____ down and pause more often
5. Slow down your rate of speech.
Students benefit if we pause FREQUENTLY to give them PROCESSING time.
Research shows that LI students process more slowly than typically-developing students.
LI students, especially those who are ELLs, profit when professionals SLOW down and pause more often
6. Do a great deal of review, repeat info and rephrase it.
___ students with LI benefit from hearing information ______ and reviewed ____
________ is helpful
6. Do a great deal of review, repeat info and rephrase it.
ELL students with LI benefit from hearing information REPEATED and reviewed OFTEN
REPHRASING is helpful
7. Emphasize content words through increased volume and stress.
Research has shown that LI students ____ the ability to identify the “___” words, or ______ words and separate them out from the ______ words (function words)
________ the auditory salience of content words through increased ______ and stress can support low-SES ELL students with LI
7. Emphasize content words through increased volume and stress.
Research has shown that LI students LACK the ability to identify the “BIG” words, or CONTENT words and separate them out from the SMALLER words (function words)
INCREASING the auditory salience of content words through increased VOLUME and stress can support low-SES ELL students with LI
8. Give extra processing time
Give - seconds after asking a question
Better performance if “____ ____” to process info
9. Incorporate movement and movement breaks
Incorporate movement breaks and movement
______ toys are helpful- have a basket of them
Brief __ second brain gym exercises such as cross-crawl, arm wave to “wake up the brain” and cross midline
8. Give extra processing time
Give 4-5 seconds after asking a question
Better performance if “WAIT TIME” to process info
9. Incorporate movement and movement breaks
Incorporate movement breaks and movement
FIDGET toys are helpful- have a basket of them
Brief 20 second brain gym exercises such as cross-crawl, arm wave to “wake up the brain” and cross midline
III. Practical Strategies for a Variety of Settings
can be used in ______ rooms (e.g., pull-out), learning centers, and _______ education classrooms
III. Practical Strategies for a Variety of Settings
can be used in THERAPY rooms (e.g., pull-out), learning centers, and GENERAL education classrooms
Have students
_______ about their experiences or pre-planned subjects
Engage in drama and role-playing activities in order to encourage ________ language and social ________ skills
_______ help if shy as well as karaoke machines and microphones
Have students
JOURNAL about their experiences or pre-planned subjects
Engage in drama and role-playing activities in order to encourage EXPRESSIVE language and social INTERACTION skills
COSTUMES help if shy as well as karaoke machines and microphones
With regard to notetaking, students often need to be explicitly taught to:
Write only ___ or _______ words, not function words
Distinguish between _____ and ______ words “big” and “little” words
When they learn to do this, they can then be taught to take _____, writing down just the ___ or ______ words
With regard to notetaking, students often need to be explicitly taught to:
Write only KEY or CONTENT words, not function words
Distinguish between CONTENT and FUNCTION words “big” and “little” words
When they learn to do this, they can then be taught to take NOTES, writing down just the KEY or CONTENT words
Nanci Bell: Visualize and Verbalize.
Helps students learn to form detailed _____ images to increase skills in vocab, ______, writing
Students especially benefit from _______, or making pictures in their brain as an adjunct to reading or ______
Visualizing helps __________ to be retained better, thus aiding in listening and reading ____________
Nanci Bell: Visualize and Verbalize.
Helps students learn to form detailed MENTAL images to increase skills in vocab, READING, writing
Students especially benefit from VISUALIZING, or making pictures in their brain as an adjunct to reading or LISTENING
Visualizing helps INFORMATION to be retained better, thus aiding in listening and reading COMPREHENSION
Use Total Physical Response (TPR)
Clinician: touch your chin (clinician alone does this)
Clinician: touch your chin (clinician and children do this together)
Clinician: touch your chin (children alone carry out the command)
TPR is an excellent strategy especially for __ students who are in the early stages of learning English
Great for _____ ______
Helps students form _______ associations between words and their _______
Use Total Physical Response (TPR)
Clinician: touch your chin (clinician alone does this)
Clinician: touch your chin (clinician and children do this together)
Clinician: touch your chin (children alone carry out the command)
TPR is an excellent strategy especially for LI students who are in the early stages of learning English
Helps students form STRONGER associations between words and their REFERENTS
Parents of children who speak a ______ language should be encouraged to use this language at _____
tell parents that being ______ is a great advantage in today’s world
if their child can grow up _______, she will be quite _______ in the job market
Parents of children who speak a MINORITY language should be encouraged to use this language at HOME
tell parents that being BILINGUAL is a great advantage in today’s world
if their child can grow up BILINGUAL, she will be quite VALUABLE in the job market
We can help families become more involved in their children’s learning and schooling…
Through the use of the services of ______ ________
We can also meet with parents at the ______ ___ or conduct _____ visits.
During these visits, it is helpful to show ______ of their children’s ____ as well as pictures of their children involved in ______ _______.
We can help families become more involved in their children’s learning and schooling…
Through the use of the services of CULTURAL MEDIATORS
We can also meet with parents at the SCHOOL SITE or conduct HOME visits.
During these visits, it is helpful to show SAMPLES of their children’s WORK as well as pictures of their children involved in SCHOOL ACTIVITIES.
We can help parents understand what U.S. schools expect of them and their children
Parents need to understand the ______ or ________ standards of their children’s schools
If parents can _______ in their children’s classrooms, they will understand the ________ of the curriculum much better
We can help parents understand what U.S. schools expect of them and their children
Parents need to understand the ACADEMIC or CURRICULAR standards of their children’s schools
If parents can VOLUNTEER in their children’s classrooms, they will understand the DEMANDS of the curriculum much better
Remember that some parents are non-literate in English…
Encourage _____ ______
Garage sales and flea markets for cheap books
Help parents find out
About local adult literacy services and English classes
Remember that some parents are non-literate in English…
Garage sales and flea markets for cheap books
Help parents find out
About local adult literacy services and English classes
Marklund et al. (2015). Pause and utterance duration… Journal of Child Language, 42, 1158-1171.
Study carried out in Sweden with parents and ; year olds
Found that ch whose parents responded the ______ to their utterances had the largest __________
Ch of ____ responding parents had _____ ________
Marklund et al. (2015). Pause and utterance duration… Journal of Child Language, 42, 1158-1171.
Study carried out in Sweden with parents and 1;6 year olds
Found that ch whose parents responded the FASTEST to their utterances had the largest VOCABULARIES
Ch of SLOW responding parents had SMALLER VOCABULARIES
Duran et al. (2016). Bilingual and home language interventions… Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 47, 347-371.
Conducted a meta-analysis of what ______ or home language _________ are effective for __ 2-6 year old bilinguals
Duran et al. 2016 found:
__________ SLPs can train parents ________
Parent storybook reading in __ was especially effective
Duran et al. (2016). Bilingual and home language interventions… Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 47, 347-371.
Conducted a meta-analysis of what BILINGUAL or home language INTERVENTIONS are effective for LI 2-6 year old bilinguals
Duran et al. 2016 found:
Parent storybook reading in L1 was especially effective
Bitetti, C., & Hammer, C. (2016). The home literacy environment
Examined the ____ literacy _________ (HLE) on the English narrative development of ______-English bilingual children from ___-_____ backgrounds
Looked at narrative ____-and _____-structure
Bitetti & Hammer (2016) found:
The availability of _____ in the home was key, many homes owned very few _____
We need to _______ the number of _____ available
The more often the mothers ____ with their child, the higher the child’s ______ growth
Bitetti, C., & Hammer, C. (2016). The home literacy environment
Examined the HOME literacy ENVIRONMENT (HLE) on the English narrative development of SPANISH-English bilingual children from LOW-INCOME backgrounds
Looked at narrative MICRO-and MACRO-structure
Bitetti & Hammer (2016) found:
The availability of BOOKS in the home was key, many homes owned very few BOOKS
We need to INCREASE the number of BOOKS available
The more often the mothers READ with their child, the higher the child’s NARRATIVE growth
Research (Ron Gillam) was conducted:
___-___ (some bilingual) parents given _______ books to read; others-books with ____
________ books generated richer language during reading than _____ books
Parents more animated, discussed _______ books more ________
Research (Ron Gillam) was conducted:
LOW-SES (some bilingual) parents given WORDLESS books to read; others-books with PRINT
WORDLESS books generated richer language during reading than PRINT books
Parents more animated, discussed WORDLESS books more CREATIVELY
Teach parents to CARE:
C: _______
A: ___ ________
R: ________
E: _______
Teach parents to CARE: