Practical Experiments Flashcards
What was the aim of the learning practical?
To investigate whether males or females would show more helpful and polite behaviour
What was the hypothesis for the learning practical?
More males will show helpful and polite behaviour through holding doors open and saying thank you to a dinner lady than females in an obersvation in a canteen
What was the background to the learning practical?
Bandura et al found males to be less socially aggressive than females meaning they may show more pro social behaviour
What type of data was obtained from the learning practical?
Quantitative data - no. of times held door or said thankyou
Qualitative data - whether they smiled whilst doing so, held door for long time, made conversation
What was the design for the learning practical?
- Non participant, covert observation
- Independent measures
- Opportunity sampling
- Event sampling
What statistical test took place in the learning practical and how was qualitative data analysed?
- Mann U Whitney
- Thematic Analysis
What results were yielded from the learning pratical?
- No significant difference
- Observed value - 0.52, critical value - 2.71
How could the learning practical be considered ethical?
Public place - ppts knew they could be seen
What was the aim of the biological practical?
To investigate the relationship between height and aggression
What was the hypothesis for the biological practical?
There will be a correlation between height (cm) and aggression score on a likert scale from a self report questionnaire
What statistical test was used for the biological practical?
Spearman’s Rho
What were the findings from the biological practical?
Critical value - 0.412, calculated value 0.337 = no correlation
What design was used for the biological practical?
- Correlation
- Opportunity sampling
- Questionnaire with likert scale
What did the questions look at in the biological practical?
Verbal and physical aggression. “I get angry easily” “I am sometimes described as argumentative”
What did the social practical look at?
Whether males or females were more obedient
What was the hypothesis of the social practical?
There will be a difference in the obedience of males and females investigated by a self report questionnaire containing 20 open and closed questions
What was the design for the social practical?
- Questionnaire
- Open and closed questions
- Qualitative and quantitative data
- Independent groups
- Thematic analysis
- Opportunity sampling
What themes emerged from the thematic analysis of the social practical?
That people were less likely to obey to their parents than a teacher. Obedience depended on the task and if there was a reward. People defined obedience as law abiding.
What is an example of a question from the social practical?
‘How obedient do you think you are?’
Why was the social practical carried out?
Blass and Milgram had found no differences in obedience between males and females
What was the aim of the cognitive practical?
To see whether position in a word list impacted recall
What was the hypothesis of the cognitive practical?
Participants will recall more words from the beginning of a word list of 21 words than from the middle and will recall more from the end of the word list than from the middle.
What was the dependent variable of the cognitive practical?
Number of words recalled out of 7 at the beginning, middle and end of the word list.
What was the independent variable of the cognitive practical?
Beginning 7 words, Middle 7 words and End 7 words
What types of words were chosen for the cognitive practical and how were they chosen?
Monosyllabic words so word length wouldn’t influence, chose unrelated words and words that sounded different =cat, pot, tree, get
What was found in the cognitive practical?
- Critical value was 17, calculated value was 11 so difference between list 1 and 2 was significant
- Critical value 17, calculated value 26 so no difference between list 2 and 3
What was the design for the cognitive practical?
- Wilcoxen stats test
- Repeated measures
- Ordinal data
- Words read out at 1 per 3 seconds
What did the child practical investigate?
The relationship between childhood attachment and adult attachment types, based on Bowlby’s theory of attachment
What was the hypothesis for the child practical?
There will be a positive correlation between infant and adult attachment types on a scale of 1-5 meaning a securely attached infant will be a securely attached adult.
What was the design for the child practical?
- Closeness - “I find it easy to form close relationships”
- Secure -“I was scared of strangers as a child”
- Quantitative data
- Opportunity sample
- Spearman’s Rho
What did the stats test find for the child practical?
The observed value was 0.37 which was less than the critical value of 0.38 = no relationship
What did the clinical practical look at?
Whether attitudes towards mental health had changed since the 1950s
What films were used in the clinical practical?
One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest 1950s
Manic 00s
What was the aim of the clinical practical?
A summative content analysis investigating whether attitudes towards mental health have changed over time using OFOTCN and Manic
What was the clinical practical hypothesis?
There will be a greater number of references to people with mental illness in OFOTCN compared to Manic
How were words chosen for the clinical practical?
Words chosen before film like crazy, stupid and dumb but some added during like vegetable
How long were the films watched for in the clinical practical?
1 hour and 20 minutes
What was investigated in the clinical practical?
Who said derogatory terms to who and how many times they said specific words
What was found in the clinical practical?
- 74% negative words from 1950s vs 61% 00s
- Highest in patient to patient for both films
- Crazy used most frequently in both films
- 38 words said in both