Comparisons Between Ways of Explaining Different Themes Flashcards
What role does the theme “role of groups” place in SIT and RCT?
They both emphasise that in group favouritis and negative out group bias leads to prejudice but RCT focuses more on competition for resources whereas SIT doesn’t
How do Agency Theory and Social Impact Theory differ in how they explain the root of obedience?
Agency Theory focuses on different social states a person can be in in any situation whereas SIT looks at the factors that make obedience more or less likely. Both focus on the role of the situation.
How are the MSM and WMM similar?
They both look at structure. Both consist of 3 seperate stores. Both supported by experimental evidence like Glanzer and Cunitz (MSM) and Baddeley (WMM), both use artificial tasks so lack validity
How do the WMM and MSM differ?
MSM shows a unitary STM whereas WMM has many ST stores that process different information, dual task performance can be explained by WMM but not MSM
How are MSM and Reconstructive Memory similar?
Both are supported by experimental evidence like Glanzer and Cuntiz (MSM) and Loftus and Palmer (RM). Both use artificial tasks and environments meaning they both have a lack of validity
How do Reconstructive Memory and MSM differ?
- MSM structural whereas RM looks at function i.e how stored knowledge affects perception
- Focus of RM is interpretation rather than coding
How do WMM and RM differ?
- WMM is structural whereas RM functional
- RM looks at interpretation, WMM looks at coding
How are WMM and RM similar?
- Supported by experimental evidence like Baddeley and Loftus and Palmer
- Artificial tasks and artificial environments
How are MSM and Tulving similar?
Both acknowledge the type of processes involved in the transfer and manipulation of info, both supported by experimental evidence
How do MSM and Tulving differ?
- MSM shows unitary LTM
- Tulving shows different LTM stores
How do WMM and Tulving differ?
- Tulving - LTM
How are WMM and Tulving similar?
- Both consist of seperate stores
- Supporting evidence
- Lack mundane realism and ecological validity
How do RM and Tulving differ?
RM focuses on interpretation as opposed to coding
How are RM and Tulving similar?
Tulving suggested our memories are easily changed whcih Bartlett also believed as he thought memories weren’t like a tape recording
What role does nature/nurture play in biological, psychodynamic and learning?
- Biological = nature
- Psychodynamic = nurture
- Learning = nurture
Do learning, psychodynamic and biological put forward physical theories or abstract?
- Biological - physical - brain, hormones, NTs
- Psychodynamic - ID, ego, superego all abstract
- Learning - can physically seen behaviour learnt
Are biological, learning and psychodynamic theories credible?
- Biological uses experimental evidence which is trustworthy. Uses animals making it less credible
- Psychodynamic theory of personality believable but comes from case studies so not credible
- Learning uses experimental evidence and is believable e.g role models
Are biological, learning and psychodynamic theories falsifiable?
- Biological - yes
- Psychodynamic - no
- Learning - yes
Are biological, learning and psychodynamic objective or subjective?
- Biological - objective
- Psychodynamic - subjective
- Learning - objective
How are the DSM and ICD different?
- ICD produced by the WHO whereas DSM by APA
- DSM I published 1952, ICD 1948
- ICD global, multi lingual classification whereas DSM American
- ICD free on the internet DSM is not.
- DSM covers MHDs only ICD covers general health
How do Ainsworth and Bowlby compare regarding attachment?
- Ainsworth nurture, Bowlby both
- Both focus on role of mother
- Ainsworth tested using observations, Bowlby used animal studies like Lorenz and Harlow
- Both say attachment is universal
How do the EMB and TOM explanations for autism compare?
- Both examine lack of social skills
- EMB looks at how brain develops in womb
- TOM looks at development after birth
- Testosterone responsible for EMB whereas TOM developmental deficit
- EMB explains gender bias