Culture and Gender Flashcards
How does Becker show gender issues in psychology?
Only girls studied as more likely to suffer from an eating disorder
How does Bandura show gender issued in psychology?
Boys imitated aggression more than girls
How can gender be an issue in learning psychology?
- Male and Females socialised according to gender
- Encouraged through reinforcement to adopt male and female behaviour
- Gender inappropriate behaviour may be punished
How might memory differ according to gender?
- Schemas between men and women differ
- But no difference in the process
What did Wang (2013) find about gender differences in cognitive psychology?
Women better at recognising photos of females they have seen before
What gender differences might there be in aggression?
- Differences in genes/hormones
- Males more aggressive due to the need to survive and protect their mates
- Males had adaptive advantage at being aggressive
- Disadvantage for females
What gender differences did Blass (1999) find for obedience?
Meta analyses using studies, only Kilham and Mann showed gender differences
What did Kilham and Mann (1974) find for gender differences in obedience?
40% male obedience to give shocks vs 16% female
What did Sheridan and King (1972) find for gender differences in obedience?
Replicated Milgram using puppies. Found all 13 females gave max shock
How might prejudice differ according to culture?
- Culture can affect prejudice
- Social norms may legitimise prejudice
What did Kats and Braly find about culture and prejudice?
American students viewed African Americans as superstitious and Jews as shrewd and ignorant
What did Matusmoto (2007) find about culture and prejudice?
Cultures differ due to different problems they face. Develop different norms.
What did Guimond et al (2013) find about culture and prejudice?
Multiculturalism and pro diversity reduced prejudice. Germany - Highest prejudice, not diverse
Canada - Lowest prejudice, very diverse
How might memory differ according to culture?
Memory doesn’t seem to vary as a process but culture affects schemas
What did Mary Mullen (1994) find to show culture differences in memory?
Asians had their earlierst biographical memory 6 months later than caucasians had their first memory. Earliest memory found at age 4 for Asians vs age 3 1/2 for caucasians
What did Harlene Hayne (2000) find for culture differences in memory?
That Maouri’s earliest memory was from age 2
What did Smith and Bond (1998) find for cultural differences in obedience?
UK and USA more likely to resist conformity and not obey. Japan and Israel more likely to conform.
What did Blass (1999) find for culture differences in obedience?
Average US obedience - 60.94% vs 65.94% in other cultures. Universal behaviour
What did Kilham and Mann (1974) find for culture differences in obedience?
That higher level of obedience was shown when ordering someone to administer pain rather than administering it yourself
What did Shanab and Yahya (1977) find for culture differences in aggression?
US culture more aggressive than other Western cultures
What did Huesmann (1999) find for culture differences in aggression?
Born US detriot students more accepting of aggression than other immigrants
What did Lin (1996) find about the influence of culture on mental disorders?
The similarities outweigh the differences
What did Littlewood and Lipsedge (1997) find about the influence of culture on diagnosis?
There is a bias towards the black and Irish with a diagnosis of schizophrenia
What did Casas (1995) find about the influence of culture on diagnosis?
African Americans are the least likely to open up to a clinician of a different race
What did Sue and Sue (1992) find about diagnosis and culture?
People are less likely to disclose information to a clinician of a different race
What did Kulhara (2009) find about culture and MHDs?
That there is a larger proportion of people in developing countries having a good outcome from schizophrenia
How are gender issues in clinical psychology?
- Brown (1986) only looked at females as females have a higher rate of depression
- Males more likely to commit suicide for depression
- Schizophrenia presents in men at 18 and women at 25
- Carol was female
How are there gender issues in child psychology?
- Autism caused by too much testosterone - males have more testosterone
- 10 boys to 1 girl with aspergers
- 4 boys to 1 girl with autism worldwide
How are there culture issues in child psychology?
- Attachment differs to parenting style which differs across cultures
- V+IK found highest anxious aviodants in Germany and highest anxious resistants in Japan and Israel
How could culture influence the learning of eating disorders?
- Mumford et al (1991) Arab and Asian women more likely to learn eating disorders if moved to the West
- Lai (2000) found prevelence of eating disorders increased as Hong Kong became more Westernised