Practical 3 - station 3 - blood supply to the brain Flashcards
What 2 sets of arteries supply the brain?
Anterior circulation
posterior circulation
Which arteries make up the anterior circulation?
Internal carotid artery which has major branches - middle cerebral artery, anterior cerebral artery - and has anterior communicating arteries
Which arteries make up the posterior circulation?
Vertebral arteries, basilar artery, posterior cerebral artery (+ branches they give rise to)
Which arteries allow the Circle of Willis to form? Where does this happen
Posterior communicating arteries - links anterior and posterior circulation
Around optic chiasm at base of brain
Why are the posterior communicating arteries important
Allow anastomoses forming circle of Willis from there will still be circulation if occulusion of a major artery on one side
Where does the internal carotid artery enter the cranium?
Through the carotid canal which is in the temporal bone
Which artery supplies the primary motor cortex?
Medial aspect by anterior cerebral artery
Mainly middle cerebral artery
Which artery supplies the primary visual cortex?
Posterior cerebral artery
Which artery supplies the primary auditory cortex?
Middle cerebral artery
Which artery supplies the primary somatosensory cortex?
Medial aspect by anterior cerebral artery
Mainly by middle cerebral artery
Which artery supplies the primary Broca’s & Werncike’s areas?
Middle cerebral artery
What is cerebral drainage done by?
Superficial and deep veins
Dural sinuses
Where does cerebral drainage drain into?
What is the pathway of cerebral drainage?
Superficial veins in arachnoid space
Deep veins from centre of brain
Both drain into dural sinuses
What is the confluence of the sinuses?
Junction of the straight, superior sagittal and transverse sinuses
What sinus is continuous with the IJV?
Sigmoid sinus which makes an S shape turn from the transverse sinus