Practical Flashcards
Socrates stand for
Symptoms Allergies Medication Past medical Last in and out Events leading up to
Site Onset Characteristics Radiation Associated symptoms Timing Severity
Inspect abdo
Spider naevi more than 5
Caput Medusa - cirrhosis
Asymmetry 6Fs - fat, flatus, fluids, faeces, fetus, functional
Cullen - umbilicus
Grey turners - flanks
Auscultate abdo
4 quadrants
Palpate abdo
Left hypochondriac
Right hypochondriac
Left lumbar
Right lumbar
Left iliac
Right iliac
Signs to look for abdo
Rebound tenderness - peritonitis
Murphys sign - right subcostal, breath in - cholecystitis
Rovsing press left iliac will feel in right - appendicitis
Mcburney - right side - appendicitis
Psoas - lie on side pull right leg back
Obturator- bend 90 then twist out
Percussion abdo
Looking for ascites
Tympani will move
If two persons can do wave one
Hands abdo
Leukonychia - liver disease
Kolionychia -crohn
Palmar erythema - red heel - kidney
Dupuytrens contracture - alcohol
Clubbing - ibs
Skin turgor
Needle track marks
Eyes abdo
Conjunctiva pallor - anaemia
Jaundice - liver, gallstones
Corneal arcus- high cholesterol
Xanethelasma - high cholesterol
Kayser fleischer rings - Wilson’s disease
Mouth - abdo
Angular chelitus - gi malignancy
Dry mouth - hydration
Oral candidiasis - immunosuppressive
Aphthous ulceration - b12
Neck - abdo
Virchows nodes
Hands - CVS
Clubbing- heart disease Peripheral cyanosis Tar staining - smoker Splinter haemorrhages - infective endocarditis Jane way lesions - micro abcess Osler nodes - inflammatory complex
Eyes - CVS
Conjunctive pallor - anaemia
Corneal arcus - high cholesterol
Xanthelasma - high cholesterol
Mouth - CVS
Central cyanosis
Angular cheilitus
Face - CVS
Malar flush
Neck - CVS
Raised - fluid overload
Kusmauls sign - tamponade, c. Pericarditis
Canon waves - complete heart block
Lymph nodes feel if swollen
Abdo - cvs
Pulsating masses
Leg - CVS
Chest inspection - CVS
Shape -
Pectus excavatum
Pectus carinatum
Barrel chest
Scars / pacemakers / patches
Chest - palpate on- CVS
Feel for deformity/ tenderness / crepitus
Feel for apex beat - 5th IC
Thrill - palpable murmur
Heave - abnormally large beating of heart
Chest auscultation- CVS
All paramedic take medicine
Aortic - stenosis - regurgitate
Pulmonary - stenosis - regurgitate
Tricuspid - regurgitate- stenosis
Mitral - regurgitate- stenosis
Listening for murmurs indicating stenosis or regurgitation
Base of lungs - crackles
Resp - hands
Clubbing - CF, lung cancer Peripheral cyanosis Tar staining Joint swelling / deformity Asterixis Fine tremor
Resp - eyes assessment
Conjunctive pallor - anaemia
Ptosis/miosis - horners
Resp - mouth
Angular cheilitus/ glositis - iron def
Central cyanosis
Oral candida - steroid use
Leg - resp
Oedema - heart failure
Calf pain - dvt
Chest inspection resp
Chest wall deformities
Pectus excavatum/ pectus carinatum/ barrel
Breathing pattern
Chest palpate on resp
Apex beat
Chest expansion - symmetry, bilateral reduction, unilateral reduction
Chest percussion resp
Hyper resonance
Chest auscultation
J shape Stridor Wheeze Crackles Pleural rub
First cranial nerve
Sense of smell
Second cranial nerve
Read something far away
Corner test
3rd /4th/6th
Oculomotor, trochlear, Abducens
Abducen responsible for 4/6
Oculomotor superior oblique
Trochlear lateral rectus
Swinging light test
H test
Look for double vision and nystagmus
5th cranial nerve
Sensations in face
Ophthalmic, mandibular, maxillary
Clench jaw
7th cranial nerve
Do different facial expressions
8th cranial nerve
And test ?
Do cochlear part
Sound each ear
9th and 10th cranial nerve
Glossopharyngeal and vagus
Uvula central
Soft palate equal
Swallow something
11th cranial nerve
Shrug against pressure
Turn head against pressure
12th cranial nerve
Tongue into 4 corners
Tongue into cheek
Cerebellum tests
Gait Ram Coordination Pronator drift Romberg Arm strength Dermatomes