PQs 7 Flashcards
How do we call the process when there is keratinization in the stratum spinosum
(Hypokeratosis = rare, starvation, Hyperkeratosis = thickening of stratum corneum
and complete cornification process, Parakeratosis = thickening of stratum corneum
and incomplete cornification process)
hich discoloration is permanent?
Bile inbibition
Which one is the second degree test?
Combustio bullosa.
(Combustio erythematosa = first degree, Combustio escharotica = third degree,
Carbonization = fourth degree).
Which one is the feature of both decreased and increased blood flow?
Swollen appearance
What kind of cause can delay the rigor mortis?
Severe blood loss
The accumulation of this material can cause pseudoicterus
Which one is a correlation type hypertrophy?
Hypertrophy of the parathyroid gland due to phosphate retention
What can lead to hypertrophy going to the urinary bladders wall?
Enlarged prostate
Which one is the circumscribed purulent inflammation?
What is the most severe form of exudative inflammation?
Which cells are stable (reversible postmitotic) cells?
Renal tubular epithelial cells
A predilection site of hemangiosarcoma in dogs
Right auricle
The most frequent primary central nervous system tumor in dogs and cats
Which one is an endogenous chemical?
Which one is a tumor-like lesion?
Intrapulpal haematoma
. Which one can be a sign of cellular atypia?
What is the difference between lymphoma and leukemia?
Leukemia originates from the bone marrow/spleen and lymphoma from other
lymphoid tissue
Which breed excretes high concentrations of uric acid in their urine?
What does hyperplasia mean?
Increase in number
What is the site of the primary tuberculotic lesion in swine?
Which connective tissue type has the best regenerative capacity?
Collagen fibrous connective tissue
What can be the outcome of fibrinous inflammation?
Any of them
Councilman-body is a form of…
Intracellular hyalinosis
Which one induces foreign body type granulomas?
Mycobacterium avium in birds
Croupous and diphtheria inflammations are forms of…. Inflammation
Pyogenic bacteria can induce …. inflammation
How do we call a venous infarct?
Which one is a general effect of traumatic injury?
Traumatic shock
Which one is not living, but is an infectious agent?
Which agent can infect the intact skin?