PQs 6 Flashcards
In which organ can you find the Councilman-bodies?
How do we call the inflammation of the rectum?
How do we call the inflammation of the rectum?
Which cells are labile (vegetative intermitotic) cells?
Surface epithelial cells.
How would you describe the exudate in the case of ichorous inflammation?
Turbid, greenish, smells bad.
Which is produced by fibroblasts?
Elastin and collagen.
Pseudomonas inf;ammation is a form of…inflammation?
Purulent inflammation.
Which one can cause caesation?
Mainly what kind of mycotoxins can cause kidney damage?
What is the pathology of suffocation?
Dark, unclothed blood, petechial hemorrhages, acute lung hyperemia (excess of blood in the vessels supplying an organ) and edema
Which species can survive until chronic tuberculosis in organs develops?
Benign tumor of the cartilaginous tissue?
There are no fresh lesions in the lymph nodes in this phase of tuberculosis.
Chronic organic tuberculosis
How do we call the feces in the case of gastric bleeding?
(Melaena = bloody feces due to enterorrhagia, Metrorrhagia = hemorrhage in the uterus, Epistaxis = nosebleed).
This is the benign tumor of adipocytes.
(Fibroma = tumor of fibrocytes, Myxoma = Gelatinous connective tissue,
fibroblast/fibrocyte origin, Liposarcoma = malignant tumor of adipose tissue).
What is true for neoangiogenesis tumors?
It gives opportunity for metastasis.
When does the rigor mortis begin in the skeletal muscles?
2-4 hours.
(5-8h = becomes general, 24-48h = starts to disappear, 48-60h = passes off).
Mainly what kind of mycotoxins can cause skin necrosis?
Ergot alkaloids.
How do we call the inflammation of the caecum?
(Enteritis = small intestine, Colitis = colon, Proctitis = rectum).
Layers of tubercle from inside to outside
Necrosis-macrophages, lymphocytes, connective tissue
- Increased erythrocytes diapedesis in inflammation is typical in this species
Which appearance is true for gangrena sicca?
In the case of fibrinoid necrosis, in which region of the blood vessels does the serum
In the media
Which one induces epithelioid type granulomas?
Mycobacterium bovis in cattle.
How do we call the foreign body-type granuloma around the uric acid precipitations?
What are the most endangered organs to UV rays?
How do we call the lesion caused by a veterinarian?
What is the cause behind diabetic cataract?
The increased osmolarity of the lens.
(the decreased glucose uptake, the increased polyol/alternative pathway)
How do we call the mildest form of cellular disturbance in the water balance?
Cell swelling.
(Then vacuolar degeneration, hydropic degeneration, vesicular degeneration).
What kind of autointoxication causes gout?
Normal metabolites are not excreted.
- How do we call the process when there are a lot of bacteria in the circulation for a prolonged time?
(Bacteremia = bacteria in low numbers only temporarily, Pyaemia = pus into
circulation and content of abscess gets into circulation, Viraemia = free or cell
How do we call the accumulation of intermediate products?