PPD Flashcards
what is error?
an unintended outcome
why is safety in health care so often compromised?
healthcare is a complex, high risk environment
resource intensive
system, patient and practitioners interactions
responsibilities are often shared
practitioners often take risk unknowingly
what are the common issues in accidents and safety in healthcare?
wrong diagnosis = wrong plan medication reconciliation high conc medication solutions patient identification patient care handovers
how can errors be classified?
based on intention
based on action
based on outcome
based on context
how is error classified based on intention?
failure of planned actions to achieve desired outcome
skill based errors - actions made is not what was intended
rule-based mistakes - incorrect application of a rule/inadequacy of the plan
knowledge-based mistakes
automaticity makes us prone to action not as planned
limited attentional resources
memory containing mini-theories rather than facts
how is error classified based on action?
generic factors - e.g. omission, intrusion, wrong order, mistiming
task specific factors - wrong blood vessel/verve/organ/side, bad knots
how is error classified based on outcome?
near miss successful detection and recovery death/injury/loss of function prolonged intubation/stay in ICU cost of litigation unplanned transfer
how is error classified based on context?
anticipations and perseverations interruptions and distractions nature of procedure team factors organised factors equipment and staffing issues accumulation of stressors
what are the different perspectives on error?
- the person approach (focus on the individual) error are the product of wayward mental health processes, focus on the unsafe acts of people on the frontline, short comings - anticipation of blame promotes cover up - need detailed analysis to prevent recurrence
the system approach - focus on the working conditions - errors are commonplace - adverse events are the product of many causal factors, remedial efforts directed at removing error traps and strengthening defences, interaction between active failures and latent conditions - proactive risk management: remedy latent factors
what strategies are there to reduce error and harm?
- Simplification and standardisation of clinical processes
- Checklists and aide memoires - SBAR
- Information technology
- Team training
- Risk management programmes
- Mechanisms to improve uptake of evidence based Tx patterns
what tools are there for risk identification?
- incident reporting
- complaints and claims
- audit, service evaluation and benchmarking
- external accreditation
- active measurement/complaint
what are never events?
Never events - serious, largely preventable patient safety incidents that should not occur if the available preventative measures have been implemented
surgery - wrong site/implant, retained item
medication - wrong preparation/route
mental health - suicide
what are the different leadership styles?
transformational - inclusive leadership is distributed throughout all levels of an organisation
what is a sloth error?
what skill/behaviour or attribute could solve this error?
not bothering to check results/information for accuracy. Incomplete evaluation. Inadequate documentation
conscientiousness - Attention to detail. Completeness. Not assuming that information presented to you is correct. Full documentation.
what is a fixation and loss of perspective error?
what skill/behaviour or attribute could solve this error?
Early unshakeable focus on a diagnosis. Inability to see the bigger picture. Overlooking warning signs.
Open mindedness. Situational awareness.
Recognition of the clinical patterns but considering facts that don’t fit. Re- evaluation if deviation from the expected.
what is a communication breakdown error?
what skill/behaviour or attribute could solve this error?
Unclear instructions or plans. Not listening to or considering others opinions.
effective communication - being approachable and open, listening, clear explanations with appropriate terminology and reinforcement
what can lead to poor team work error and what skill/behaviour can be done to solve this?
team members working independently, poor direction, some individuals out of depth, others underutilised
good team working 0 clear team structure and roles with sharing of views concerns and management plans.
clear logical leadership
how do errors occur by playing the odds and what can be done to solve this?
choosing the common and dismissing the rare event
probability assessment - evaluation based on scenario features as well and likelihood
what is a bravado (timidity) error and what skills/behaviours could avoid this?
working beyond your competence or without adequate supervision. A show of confidence to hide underlying deficiencies
humility - accurate self-evaluation, open communication of mistakes
what is a ignorance error and what skills/behaviours could avoid this?
Lack of knowledge. Unconscious incompetence. Not knowing what you don’t know.
self awareness - aware of your own abilities and limitations. consideration of factors which may affect your judgement (e.g. stress, fatigue)
what is a mis-triage error? and what skills/behaviours could solve it
Over/underestimating the seriousness of a situation
prioritisation - appreciate the relative importance or urgency of each situation
what is an example of lack of skill error and how could it be prevented?
lack of appropriate skills, teaching or practice
effective technical skills - being properly trained in your role
what is a system error and how can they be prevented?
environmental, technology, equipment or organisational features, inadequate built in safeguards
system design - a system designed to be easy to use, complete and with design features that identify potential risks
what is the swiss cheese model?
In the Swiss Cheese model, an organization’s defenses against failure are modeled as a series of barriers, represented as slices of cheese. The holes in the slices represent weaknesses in individual parts of the system and are continually varying in size and position across the slices. The system produces failures when a hole in each slice momentarily aligns, permitting “a trajectory of accident opportunity”, so that a hazard passes through holes in all of the slices, leading to a failure