PP10 Flashcards
Speech-Language Pathology Services in the Schools: Considerations for Treatment
Did you know that if you are the sole service provider on a child’s IEP, you have to pick up some slack?
Present Level of Educational Performance Statement (PLEPS) must include:
Annual goals and objectives
Criteria for success
Summary of all SPLED services required
Summary of all related services (e.g., transportation) required
Statement of regular education participation (if any)
Justification for LRE
What else must you include? (IEPs continued)
What else must you include?
Statement of accommodation needed for regular education classroom participation
Projected dates for initiation of services
Duration and frequency of services
Proposed date of review
504 Plans
Derived from the Rehabilitation Act of ’73
Prohibits agencies that receive federal funds from discriminating on the basis of disability
May be used in place of IEPs for children who do not qualify for SPLED placement
SLPs must provide similar information for 504s as dictated by federal legislation for IEPs.
What’s the Difference Between an IEP and a 504 Plan?
Look at screenshot/slide 6
*Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) –
educational setting in which a student is provided with the least amount of support and/or programmatic modification without academic success being compromised.
*Self-contained classroom –
*Self-contained classroom – A classroom in which all students have been identified as requiring SPLED services
Inclusion –
*Inclusion – the process by which children should be placed in general education classes, whenever possible, and be provided with appropriate support/programmatic modification to maximize academic success.
SLP – a professional qualified to diagnose, treat, and plan for the remediation of communication disorders
Teachers –
Teachers – educational professionals who can be taught to target communication-based goals and help to generalize skills during academic pursuits
Paraprofessionals –
Paraprofessionals – teaching assistants/aides that frequently support educational personnel
Older or Same-Aged Peers –
Older or Same-Aged Peers – students that can provide appropriate speech and language models for the children that we treat
Cooperative Learning Groups –
Cooperative Learning Groups – small or large groups of students that vary in age, gender, and skill levels that can promote pragmatic skills and academic success.
Service Delivery Models
Clinical Model – “pull-out” or “push-in” therapy
Language-Based Classroom – self-contained language stimulation classroom (usually found) at the elementary school level
Resource Room Setting – SLP provides guidance to a multitude of students for a variety of academic support services
Consultation and Collaboration
Consultation – helping teachers find new ways to increase student success in the academic setting
Collaboration – working with teachers to implement strategies that increase success in the academic setting
Possible Consultative Suggestions
-Contextualize language
-Provide redundancy
-Decrease rate of presentation
-Decrease distractions
-Decrease stress placed on students
-Provide preferential seating