PP Depression herbs and homeopathics Flashcards
grounding, soothing, helps focus mind, nervous debility
sig: 2-3 c infusion daily
avena sativa
deep, dark depression
hormonal imbalance
mood affected by hypoestrogenic state
sig: 60 gtt BID
cimicifuga racemosa
intensely bitter, wide reputation for alleviating many PP problems including severe depression
sig: 1 tsp herb/8 oz water; infuse x 10 mins, 1 c BID, bitter
tincture: 30 gtt TID, less bitter
cnicus (blessed thistle)
for depression with worry and anxiety
scanty milk flow
sig: 10-60 gtt QID
humulus lupulus
restores appetite raises spirits steadies gives inner strength, courage calms and balances no sedative effects no additive or abuse potential
lavendula officinalis
palpitations, cardiac tonic
gives courage
strengthens spirit
sig: 30 gtt TID or 200 mg TID
leonurus cardiaca (motherwort)
used historically as a nutritive, pro-fertility, mood supporting adaptogen
used to tx anxiety, depression, fatigue, sexual dysfxn
nervousness w/insomnia
considered specific for helping one cope with life situation that are difficult to accept, such as the many unexpected changes a new child brings to its parents
1 TBSP leaves in 8 oz hot water steeped for 20 mins
sig: 1-2 c qd for 2 wks
melissa officinalis
depression w/restlessness, palpitations
calms w/o drowsiness
emotional upset
sig: 5 gtt q 2 hr prn
mithcella repens
most studied botanical for depression
300-600 mg TID
hypericum perfoliatum
not well studied regarding safety in lactation
adaptogen (stimulates thyroid w/o causing hyperthyroid, supports adrenals, CNS effect of serotonin, dopamine and NE)
sig: 100 mg TID
whole plant 500 mg BID
rhodiola rosea
depression w/nervousness, insomnia, emotional lability
also a source of calcium
prolonged use establishes emotional calm
sig: 5-30 gtt prn or 2 c infusion/d
scutellaria lateriflora (skullcap)
normalizes pituitary for depression dt hormonal causes decreased libido sig: 15-20 gtt TID caps: 30 mg BID
vitex agnus castus
uterine tonic, good for back pain, lack of vitality, decreased sex drive, depression
sig: 10-30 g/16 oz water, simmer w/cinnamon to help w/digestion
if eating plain herb 1 oz/d
herb of choice for most female reproductive d/os including PPD, source of phytosterols so may work via easing hormone letdown
be careful- increases fertility!
sig: 3 g in 8 oz warm milk
most useful if adrenal stress, sleep deprivation
sig: 60 gtt QID
physical complaints anxious, fearful gloomy foreboding thoughts, worse night want company- partner, mother, midwife all reassure her chilly w/burning pain
arsenicum album
severe depression, suicidal
dark, gloomy despair w/periods of anxiety
worse evening, winter, noise, excitement
aurum metallicum
anxiety around future financial worries worse contradiction angry, irritable dryness of mucous membranes, constipation
etiology of overwhelmedness
she doesn’t ask for help until to point of breaking
feels it is her duty to do everything herself
insomnia and nightmares
loss of interest in personal appearance, unkempt
calc carb
severe depression w/nervous excitability, anxiety
etiology involves loss of body fluids, usu hemorrhage
possible delirium, hallucinations, suicidal ideation
excessive moroseness
strange, irrational fears
elation and inability to calm down after birth
this leads to exhaustion and depression
coffea cruda
etiology of grief or disappointment hysteria mood swings frequent sighing lump in the throat decreased appetite, insomnia
severe depression w/many crying spells
mental confusion and inability to express self
irritability worse pain, touch, noise
kali carbonicum
mild depression
fear of change
fear of future
averse to consolation disappointing birth experience or loss near term good after C-section loss of confidence excessive rigidity
nat mur
extreme irritability/short fuse
intense emotional outbursts
nux vomica
changeable moods
too influenced by outside influences
better warm, emotional caring
imaginary health fears
overidentification w/suffering of others
worse sundown
overwhelmed by the responsibility of caring for others feel insufficiently appreciated apathetic worn down wants to be alone and quiet