Breast Botanicals Flashcards
herbs to use for mastitis? (5) synergists to use for mastitis? (3)
herbs: allium, berberis, hydrastis, echinacea, lomatium
synergists: aconite, gelsemium, phytolacca
what bugs is allium effective against? dosing?
effective against: s. aureus, alpha and b-hemolytic strep, e. coli
sig: 10-30 g fresh garlic (8-10 cloves)
what bugs are mahonia and hydrastis effective against? what else do they do? dosing?
effective against: s. aureus, alpha and b-hemolytic strep, e. coli, chlamydia and n. gonorrhea
also stimulates immune system via MO activation
sig: tincture 60-120 gtt qid
effect of echinacea? dosing?
immunostimulating propertiers dt immune polysaccharides
sig: 300 mg qid, tincture: 120 gtt q 2-3 hrs
what bugs is lomatium effective against?
s. aureus, strep pyogens, strep viridens, partially effective against n. gonorrhea
for sudden onset fever but pt feels cold, sig: 5 gtt 1 hr x 3 doses maximum
nervous excitement, delirium, sig: 5-30 gtt q 2 hrs
increases WBC, indicated if marked LAD, breast lumps, hardness
SIG: 2-5 gtt q 1 hr x 4 doses
poultice options for mastitis?
potato and/or carrot; onion: prepare as cold poultice, apply directly to breast and cover with clean cloth
parsley: handful of fresh or 2 tbsp dried herb in cheesecloth, flannel or clean sock, steep for 15 mins then place on breast
ginger and/or cayenne: rubifacient poultice to increase arterial supply to area
castor oil: soak in clean flannel, cover breast, warm compress over top, leave for 45 mins, wipe off with baking soda and water as oil is cathartic to infant
hamamelis: apply hot, moistened herb as poultice
sambuccus: fresh grated root in boiling water made into poultice or fresh flowers in warm oil as salve
5 sore nipple poultices?
achillea aloe althea calendula symphytum
indications for achillea poultice?
moist, cracked, painful nipples, make poultice or ointment
indications for aloe poultice?
cracked, sore nipples
apply clear gel from plant to nipple, wipe off before nursing
indications for althea poultice?
sore, raw, infected nipples, clogged ducts
indications for calendula poultice?
fungal or bacterially infected nipples
make wash out of flowers and saline
indications for symphytum poultice?
fissured, cracked or sore nipples
use fresh is possible
if not fresh then use gel or ointment
13 galactogogue herbs?
anenome anisum borago chondrus cnicus foeniculum galega humulus medicago shatavari mitchella trigonella vitex
no or low milk in nervous, anxious, fearful and depressed women, breasts painful and swollen, chilly, weak with H/A
10 gtt tid
similar to fennel, increases milk flow
30 gtt TID or 1 tsp bruised/crushed seeds/cup of water, 1 c BID
low milk supply with constipation and anxiety
1 TBSP leaves/cup water, steep for 10 mins, 1 cup at each nursing
mucilaginous, nourishing algae for decreased milk supply in a yin depleted mom (loss of body fluids, constipation, sore throat)
3-9 g of powder or 1 tsp to 8 oz water made as cold decoction
increases milk supply and helps with PP depression, suicidal feelings
20 gtt BID up to QID
how to prepare and dose foeniculum as a galactogogue?
30 gtt TID or 1 tsp bruised/crushed seeds/cup of water, 1 cup BID
decreased milk flow in mom w/fluid retention and/or high blood sugar
30 gtt TID
for mom’s who need copious milk (tandem feeding, multiple births), has sedative qualities
EtOH free beer or limited amounts (2-4 oz BID x 1 week) of GOOD beer
1 TBSP flowers in 8 oz water, simmer 10 mins, drink 1 cup before bed
improves milk supply especially in depleted or malnourished mothers
60 gtt TID
good for decreased milk dt hormonal reasons
can also be used when cycle returns
500 mg caps, 2 BID
for decreased milk supply in mom w/uterine weakness, subinvolution or prolapse
for decreased milk supply in woman w/digestive or blood sugar disorders
20-30 gtt TID
3 capsules TID
decreased milk flow with PP depression
30-60 gtt TID
foods to increase milk suply
include mostly yin tonics: apricots asparagus green beans carrots sweet potatoes peas pecans beet greens watercress parsley dandelion greens
herbs to help with weaning?
salvia: an astrignent for weaning, promotes estrogen, 10-30 gtt QID
vinca major or minor: astringent for weaning with depression, contains small amounts of reserpine, also used to control overabundant milk, 10 gtt TID