Breast Homeopathy Flashcards
drawing pulling pains on L, most common rx for yeast/thrush. pain in opposite breast when nursing
used topically to prevent cracks
cracked, sore, ulcerated nipples, worse L, nipples may be red, damaged or deformed, yeast, itching in breasts, very tender to touch
castor equi
hypersensitive to pain of nursing, she cannot endure it, irritable, nipples tender and inflamed
unbearable pain at latch on, engorged breasts, protruding, dark red nipples
excruciating pain in nipple extending to back/scapula, breasts engorged, cracked nipples
corton tig
painful, cracked nipples due to bac infxn, staph/strep w/bad smell, chilly, worse draft, better heat, irritable
hepar sulph
nipples sore and crack easily, low potency repeated frequently in early weeks, used later for deeper cracks, mastitis, abscesses, recurrent infxn
breasts large and heavy, red streaks running like radii from a central point, H/A and the eyes are congested, doesn’t sleep well, lies half asleep half awake, dull, stupid feeling prevails, engorgement, excessive lactation
stony heaviness in breast, hot, hard and painful but not very red, breasts full of milk, engorgement, dry cracked lips, dry mouth, constipation, feces as if burnt, no appetite, nausea after eating, develops more slowly
to decrease supply if overabundant and gushing, to help dry up after weaning
breasts are congested, burning, hot and hard and distended with little or no milk flow, anxiety and restlessness, cracked nipples, worse night
frequently indicated, particularly when a despairing sadness is the predominant sx, inadequate milk volume, weakness, anemia
agnus c.
diminishing milk supply, veins are unnaturally distended, mother oversensitive, energies focused on self, better fresh air, better movement
scanty, watery milk, bluish in color. sluggish temperament, chilly, milk disagrees with infant
calcarea carb