PowerPoint 4 Flashcards
Draw and know a normal sinus rhythm?
See book page 52
NSR mean?
Normal sinus rhythm
Describe the elements of a normal sinus rhythm?
Normal SA Node signal
Organized rhythm – 1 P wave : 1 QRS Complex
Atrial depolarization and Ventricular Depolarization in coordination
PR interval is also normal length consistently
“Normal” is when everything is looking good.
Sinus rhythm can be said about other asymptomatic situations.
Conduction is abnormal but sinus rhythm remains
What is sinus bradycardia?
HR < 60BMP
Electrical conduction is normal – 1 P wave : 1 QRS Complex
RR intervals and PP intervals equal
What is nonsymptomatic sinus bradycardia?
Healthy heart – HR 50-59
Highly trained athlete – HR <50 bpm
What is marked or symptomatic bradycardia?
HR 30-50BPM
Lightheadedness, Hypotension, Syncope
Beta blockers
What are 5 conditions presting with bradycardia?
1st ° AV block, bundle branch blocks, hemiblocks, ventricular or atrial ectopy, and chamber enlargements
Causes of sinus bradycardia?
Increased Vagal Tone
Inferior Wall MI (occlusion of the R coronary Artery)
Sick Sinus Syndrome
Med – Beta Blockers, Calcium channel blockers, Digitalis glycosides
Treatments for sinus bradycardia?
Atropine – increases HR
Describe tachycardia?
HR > 100 bpm
Normal organized electrical conduction
1 Pwave : 1 QRS complex
Pathophysiology of sinus tachycardia?
Decreased Vagal tone or Increased sympathetic tone
Increased Myocardial demand for Oxygen with decreased coronary blood flow
Early sign of Myocardial ischemia or escalating ischemia
Accompanied with angina
Acute MI occurring with exacerbated need for O2
Causes of sinus tachycardia?
Acute MI
Congestive Heart Failure
Pulmonary edema
Pulmonary embolism
Treatments for sinus tachycardia?
Most sinus tachycardia is benign
Look for root cause and treat it
Remove drug
Change medication
Eliminate Stress/anxiety
Treat Asthma
What are sinus arrhythmias?
Irregular Electrical activity in Atria and/or Ventricles
RR intervals are irregular
HR < 60 bpm and irreg sinus = ____ ____?
Sinus bradyarrhythmia