Power Point 6 Slides--Republican Roman Culture Flashcards
How did the geography of Rome help make it a leading civilization?
- The Alps in the north provided natural protection for Rome. They did not completely isolate it as a civilization but protected Rome from invasion–the passages through the Alps were easy for Rome to protect.
- Apennines–mountains that run North/South, rivers run into fertile plains
- Climate agreeable–grow crops year round
- Tiber River–runs through Rome, predictable, easy to use for transportation
How did proximity to other cultures affect Roman culture?
- Geography close to Greece–migrated into southern Italy and toward Rome–influence Roman culture
- Etruscans–older culture close to where city of Rome built
- Latins–native to the area where Rome centered
- Gaul (modern France)–Celtic influence–not as strong as others
What did the map of roads show about Rome?
All roads led to Rome.
Who was Titus Livius- “Livy”?
59bce – 17ce
He wrote: The Early History of Rome
Compiled the many Myths and Legends on Rome’s founding; and related them all to IDEALS and VIRTUES
What was the story of Rome’s idealistic founding?
According to legend, Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome, an event Livy later dated precisely to 753 b.c.e.
• Twin brothers the sons of the war god Mars.
• Their mother was a descendant of Aeneas, a brave and pious Trojan who left Troy after it was destroyed by the Greeks in the Trojan War.
• The brothers, who were left to die by a jealous uncle, were raised by a female wolf.
• When they were grown they decided to build a city, but quarreled over its location.
• Romulus killed Remus and named the city after himself.
• He also established a council of advisers later called the Senate.
• He and his male followers expanded power over neighboring peoples, in part by abducting and marrying their women.
• The women arranged a peace by throwing themselves between their brothers and their husbands, convincing them that killing kin would make the men cursed.
• The Romans, favored by the gods, continued their rise to power.
The founding myth of Romulus and Remus ascribes what positive traits to the Romans?
- descended from gods and heroes
- can thrive in wild and tough settings
- will defend their boundaries at all costs
- mix with other peoples rather than simply conquering them
- portrays women who were ancestors of Rome as virtuous and brave.
How do later historians explain the transition from Etruscan rule to Roman rule?
This is from the textbook:
• According to tradition, the last three kings were Etruscan.
• Another tale about female virtue was told to explain why the Etruscan kings were overthrown.
1. In this story, the son of King Tarquin, the Etruscan king who ruled Rome, raped Lucretia, a virtuous Roman wife, in her own home.
2. She demanded that her husband and father seek vengeance and then committed suicide in front of them.
3. Her father and husband and the other Roman nobles swore to avenge Lucretia’s death by throwing out the Etruscan kings, and they did.
• The Romans accepted this story as historical fact and dated the expulsion of the Etruscan kings to 509 b.c.e.
• They saw this year as marking the end of the monarchical period and the dawn of the republic, which had come about because of a wronged woman and her demands.
What does “Res Publica” mean?
Power in the hands of the People.
What are the two periods of Roman History–each lasting about 500 years?
Roman Republic
Roman Empire
What were some of the values of the Republic Romans?
Duty to serve the state
Who was Cincinnatus?
Traditional story tells of his virtues–
Symbol of what a Roman is expected to do
He was considered the best general in Rome but had retired to his farm.
Roman Senate called him back into public service from his farm to step up and help them to victory.
Senate asked him to be a dictator but he refused and gave power back to Senate and the people.
How is our American system like the Roman Republic?
Our society is a republic. Power in the assembly of people who are elected to represent the people.
SPQR–these initials are found all over room. What does it mean?
Senate and the People of Rome–means the people call the shots.
Professor Eagen mentioned Brutus in his lecture–who was he?
Eagen said Brutus was important in overthrowing the Etruscan kings. (There will be a later Brutus who will seek to overthrow another tyrant.)
What were some of the characteristic qualities of Rome?
ROLE OF WOMEN?? The Example of Lucretia / Brutus
What is Pater Familias?
Males were head of the family–oldest male has absolute power over the rest of the family.
What does Roman law show us about the role of women in society?
Roman women have few legal rights.
Who were the Patricians?
Patricians don’t have to work with their hands or labor.
Own property.
Slaves used to do the work on their lands.
Control: Govt. Offices, Military Commands / Appointments
Who were the Plebeians?
Did most of the work.
Many rules constricting their ability to move up in society–not allowed to marry a Patrician.
Included farmers, merchants, etc.
They could be wealthy but still be Plebeian.
What did the Censor do?
Guardian of Roman culture–approved all public performances or literature
Major social duty of the patrician class?
They were to lead and govern.
Who were the slaves in Roman society?
They were the lowest class in Roman. Many had signed contracts and could earn freedom through service.