This class was created by Brainscape user Elizabeth Zuelke. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Power Point 1 Slides--Early Man
What is history,
What is essential to the study of...,
What are the two types of sources...
27  cards
Power Point 2 Slides--Mesopotamia
What does the word mesopotamia me...,
What two rivers is mesopotamia lo...,
Why is mesopotamia considered the...
34  cards
Power Point 3 Slides--Egypt
What dates do we usually associat...,
How did geography enable the egyp...,
How do the egyptians compare in r...
32  cards
Power Point 4 Slides--Ancient and Classic Greece
What is hellas,
How does geography shape greek cu...,
What are two important city states
37  cards
Power Point 5 Slides--Greek City-States
What is the polis,
Up until the 8th c bce what were ...,
What was the problem with oligarc...
14  cards
Power Point 6 Slides--Republican Roman Culture
How did the geography of rome hel...,
How did proximity to other cultur...,
What did the map of roads show ab...
22  cards
Power Point 7 Slides--The Growing Roman Empire
Under what ruler does the roman r...,
How did the roman empire grow ove...,
What happens to cultures who resi...
22  cards
Power Point 8 Slides--Pax Romana
What is the definition of the pax...,
What were the important reforms a...,
What lesson did augustus learn fr...
7  cards
Early CIvilizations--Test
Early Man, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome
83  cards
Chapters 8/9
Review for Final
56  cards
How did the italian geography mak...,
What were two important rivers in...,
What two nearby cultures influenc...
47  cards
Power Point 9 Slides--Growth of Christianity in the Pax Romana
How would you describe the gods i...,
In what way was the roman religio...,
Was the main goal of roman religi...
22  cards
Power Point 10 Slides--The Origin and Rise of Islam and Muslim Culture
What do muslims believe about god,
Who was muhammad in islamic beliefs,
What is the sacred text of islam
31  cards

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world civilizations 101

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