Power Point 3 Slides--Egypt Flashcards
What dates do we usually associate with the ancient Egyptian civilization?
3100–1200 B.C.E.
How did geography enable the Egyptians easily to form a prosperous society?
Nile River and its predictable floods allows Egyptians to count on agricultural surpluses which leads to the development of a stable and complex culture.
How do the Egyptians compare in religious, cultural and political outlook relative to the Mesopotamians?
The predictable and stable geography of Egypt led to a more stable culture with a more optimistic and confident outlook. Egypt’s political system, religious views, and culture, endured for thousands of years without too many periods of disruption. For example, their religion believed that the afterworld was just a continuation of life on earth.
The Mesopotamian culture was influenced by its less predictable environment and therefore had a more chaotic political system with unity only coming occasionally when a strong man would take over. It also had a more pessimistic outlook towards the gods and the afterlife, which was seen as dark place of unhappiness.
Your professor showed a satellite photo of Egypt. On it you can see a narrow band of green surrounded by desert. What impact would geography like that have on a society?
Because there was a narrow band of fertile land, it forced the Egyptian population to live in a more compact area. This led to more political and economic control of the population.
Why did the Greek historian Herodotus say that Egypt was “The Gift of the Nile”?
He meant that we cannot understand Egyptian society without understanding the power of the Nile River. It is the heartbeat of the Egyptians.
What does the “trustworthiness” of the Nile mean?
The Nile flooded on a predictable schedule and was gentle, not violent. Egyptians could count on it to provide for them.
What does it mean to say the Egyptians were “xenophobic”.
Egyptians did not like to mix with outsiders and mistrusted foreigners. They were isolated geographically, which enabled them to develop their culture in a more stable environment.
Who was the first Pharoah, who unified Egypt in 3100 BCE?
Who was the first Pharaoh, who unified Egypt in 3100 BCE?
Which city was the capital of Egypt?
What does the word PHARAOH mean in Egyptian?
Great House
What was the role of the PHARAOH in Egypt?
He was in control of the resources and the people and he was to act as an intermediary between the gods and the people. He controls the rise and fall of the Nile river.
How did Menes come to be the first pharaoh?
He built a great dam that controlled a flood that was going to destroy the city of Memphis. This started the MYTH of the PHARAOH.
Who was the central Egyptian god?
Over time the god Amon (sky god) and Ra (sun god) were combined into Amon-Ra. Both anthropomorphic (like man) and zoomorphic (head of falcon).
What was the ankh?
The cross of life–often carried by the Egyptian gods.
What was Pharaoh’s role in religion?
He was divine–a god living amongst men. He is lord of the living.
Who were Osiris and Isis? What is the myth?
Osiris was ruling over Earth with Seth his jealous brother. Seth murders Osiris.
Isis, his wife, gathers Osiris’ body together and with Anubis, breathes life back into him.
They are able to conceive a child then Osiris dies and goes into the underworld.
Why is Osiris always green?
He stands for renewal and rebirth.
Who is the child of Osiris and Isis?
Horus–associated with the falcon god. God of the Living.
How is Pharaoh associated with Osiris and Horus?
Pharaoh is Horus while alive and then when he dies, he becomes Osiris, the god of the underworld.
What was the Book of the Dead?
Preserved Egyptians’ ideas about death and the afterlife and served as a guidebook to what will happen when you die.
What happens when a pharaoh dies?
Anubis *head of a jackal) guides him (as Horus) to the underworld, where he becomes Osiris.
What is the afterworld like for the Eqyptians?
Not a dark and scary place like it was for the Mesopotamians–to the Egyptians, it was a continuation of life on Earth–that’s why tombs contained worldly goods they would use in the afterworld.
What is the essential belief in the Egyptian religion?
When we die, Osiris will breathe life back into us and we will live in eternity.
What was the Final Judgment in the Egyptian religion?
Your heart is weighed by Anubis against a feather. If your soul is heavy, you will be consumed by the god Ammit. The god Thoth keeps a ledger of your actions and sins. If you have lived a good life, Osiris will breathe new life into you.
What was Egyptian writing called?
What kind of writing was Hieroglyphics?
They were picto-graphic…..pictures/symbols stood for concepts.
When and how were Egyptian hieroglyphics finally deciphered?
1799 when the Rosetta Stone was discovered by Champollion during Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt. It contained the same text in three different languages–hieroglyphics/Aramaic/Greek. Enabled him to translate the hieroglyphics and figure out the alphabet.
How many standard/basic images were used in hieroglyphics?
24–used in different combinations to form over 700 sounds
What was an important invention of the Egyptians?
What was life like for women in Egyptian society?
Those who had money had some freedom and mobility. They had luxury goods such as perfume, wigs, and mirrors made of polished obsidian.
Who were the “sea peoples”?
No one is 100% sure who they were but they were some kind of pirates or raiders who invaded Egypt around 1200 BCE. There were refugees from all over the Mediterranean region who banded together. Exploited weak outposts of the Egyptian empire and sped up the downfall of the empire.