Power: Guest Lecture by Janine Brodie Flashcards
Harold Lazwell defined politics as “who gets ___, ___, and ___.”
What, when, how.
What are some words that describe politics?
Immutable, ever-changing, pervasive, interactive, and unpredictable.
___ is the money of politics.
The most influential power is…
Power is the capacity to…
Make people do things.
Define sovereign power.
Absolute control over what happens in your territory, and the legitimate use of force.
There is a relationship between power, ___, and ___.
Sovereignty, war.
Foucault said that “Politics is a ___ by other means”.
What is power to?
The power to do something, to impact, and to make change.
In pluralism, we join groups, and compete for different ___.
Pluralists will tell you that a group will not always…because…
Lose, because people do not belong exclusively to one group.
Power over assumes that the system is ___, and people do not start out on an even playing field.
___ assists greatly in elitism.
What are the 3 ways of looking at elitism?
- Natural.
- Instrumental.
- Organization.
What does the natural way of looking at elitism say?
Having leaders in politics is natural, as there is two classes of people- the leaders and the followers.
What does the instrumental way of looking at elitism say?
It is okay to tell a noble lie (like Strauss did under the Bush administration) in order to protect the people.
The organizational way of looking at elitism says that people get their power from…
All societies are based on conflict of class struggle, and the only way to change that is through war or mass demonstration. This demonstrates…