power distance Flashcards
power distance def.
power distance
→ a degree of inequality among people which the population considers as normal
→ the distance between a boss and a normal employee/ subordinate
low: Denmark, Sweden high: France, India
power distance examples
- talking to the boss by his name/surname
- subordinates told what to do (army, firefighters)
- leaders are expected to make the decisions (high power distance)
- leaders encourage independent thinking (low power distance)
uncertainty avoidance def
uncertainty avoidance → a situaon to avoid uncertainty/risk by using laws, regulaons and structure → the importance of rules and regulations in contrast to the flexibility and risk
low: USA, Denmark, Sweden high: Japan, Korea
uncertainty avoidance examples
- people prefer what they know (high uncertainty avoidance)
- new ideas are difficult to introduce (high uncertainty avoidance)
- how quickly cultures adapt to changes (high uncertainty avoidance=slow; low uncertainty avoidance=quick)
- low uncertainty avoidance cultures are generally higher risk takers than high uncertainty avoidance countries
→ degree to which people in a country learn to act as individuals rather than as members of a group
→ in means that rights, beliefs and responsibilities of each person are regarded as more important than those of a group
low: Japan, India high: USA, Canada
Individualsim examples
- personal success is important
- teamwork and cooperation may be difficult
- self-fulfillment may be more important than the success of the group
masculine values
masculine values → importance of masculine values (performance, success, compeon) in business → set of aributes, behaviors and roles generally associated with boys and men
low: Denmark, Sweden high: Japan, Germany
masculine values examples
- money and possessions are more important than quality of life and people
- you live in order to work higher
- pay is more important than fewer working hours
- contrast to feminine values (personal relationship, care for others/weak)
- economic growth is more important than the environment
- few woman in management