In-store planning Flashcards
In-store planning Def
Instore design includes everything from the arrangement of the goods to the lighting and the odour (Geruch). It is an important factor for the customers to feel comfortable and it can also represent a brand image. Low cost supermarkets have a less appealing instore design than for example an organic supermarket.
influence factors are:
- it´s helpful if there is an attractive entrance area that forces people to enter the supermarket it´s also a good place for promotion
- fruits and vegetables should be placed near the entrance area because select-ing healthy, fresh food is an uplifting way to start shopping
- if there is an in-store bakery, place it near the entrance because the smell of freshly baked bread and sweets makes people feel hungry
- place sweets at children’s eye-level at the tills it causes pester power
- place potential treats and impulse buys at the end of each aisle (Gang)
- it´s helpful to play music because that will encourage purchases