Power and Politics Flashcards
power def
ability to get someone to do something. a function of DEPENDENCE
Dependence DEf
the state fo relying on or being crontrolled by someone else
3 key difference in power and leadership
1)leadership needs goal congruence while power only needs dependence 2) leadership has downward influence while power influences ina ll direections3) researchin leadership focused on style and power focused on tactics
5 Bases of Power
1) Coercive Power 2)Reward Power 3) Legitimate Power4) Referent Power 5) Expert Power
def coercive power
depends on fear of negative results if fail to comply
def reward power
opposite of coerfcive, uses rwards to make ppl act
def legitimate power
the formal authority to control resources based on structural position in the orgainzation
def expert power
influence wielded as a result of special knowledge or skills
def referent power
based on identification with a person who has desireable skills or traits. employees want to act like their boss if he has referent power
Which bases of power are the most effective?
expert & referent add to J satisfaction, reward and legitimate unrelated to satisfaction, coercive negatively related to satisfaction
def power tactics
the type of behavior used to intentionally influence the behavior and attitudes of another person (aka influence tactics)
Name the 9 influence tactics
Legitimacy, Rational Persuasion, Inspirational Appeals, Consultation, Exchange, Personal Appeals, Ingratiation, Pressure, Coalitions
def legitimacy
IT, saying that a request is consistent wioth the organizational policies reaarding someone in your psition. RULES
def rational persuasion
IT, presenting factual and logfical arguments
def inspirational appeals
`IT, target the emotions