Conflict and Negotiation Flashcards
def conflict
a clash of perceptions, goals, or values in a arena where ppl care about the otucome
what doe conflict primarily deal with
3 Views of Conflict
Traditional View, Human Relations View, Interactionist View
def Traditionalist View of Confict
all conflict is bad and should be avoided
def Human relations view of conflict
conflict is inevitable and should be managed not eliminated
def interactionist View of confilct
Encourages Functional conlict(supports group goals) and discourages Dysfunctional conflict (hinders group goals) in order to keep the groub from becomuing stale
two factors seperating functional & dysfunctional conflict
What the disagreement is about and where the disagreement occurs
3 types of conflict
task conflict (content and goals of work) relationship conflict (interpersonal) and process conflict (how work gets done)
3 sources of conflict
Dyadic (btwn 2 ppl) Intragroup (within a group or team) Intergroup (btwn 2 groups)
3 conditions causing conflict to arise (sTage 1)
communication issues, structure, personal variables
5 stages of conflict
1) potential opposition causes 2) cognition and personalization 3) Intentions 4) Behavior 5) Outcomes
Stage 2 -Cognition
conflict is percieved (&thereforestarts) felt conflict begins (ppl get emotionally involved)
Stage 3 Intentions
5 possible intentions (competing, collaborating, avoiding, accomodating, compromising)…HOW you approach conflict (a fucntion of Cooperativeneess and Assertivness)
Describe the spectrum of 5 conflict handeling strategies
low coopand assert=avoiding lowcoophighassert=competing medcoopandassert=compromising hicoopandlowassert=accomodating hicoopandhighassert=collaborating
Stage 4-Behavior
statements and actions are made, dmeand resonse cycle
Stage 5 outcomes
can be functional or dysfunction
manage conflict by
by beign open and honest and recognizing the conflict
Def negotiation
the process in which two or more parties exchange goods and services and agree on an exchange rate between them
Name the two approaches to negotiation
Distributive Bargaining, Integrative Bargaining
def distributive bargaining
operates under zero sum cinditions
def integrative bargaining
parties collaborate to find a win-win solution to their dispute; best for building long term relationships`
What is requred for integrative bargaining to work?
must be open with their information, sensitive to teh other’s needs, trust, flexibility
Lsit hte 5 steps in the negotiation process
- Preparation and planning 2. Definition of ground rules 3. classification and justifications (clarify and justify demands) 4. Bargaining and problem solving (give and take)5. Closure and implementations (contract or handshake)
what si BATNA
Best alternative to a negotiated agreement, this is the most/least you will pay/take. Your walk away price. the whole point of negotiation is to get something better than your batna
Personanity affects of negotiation
showing anger in a distributive negotiation may help but kills long term relationships; positive mood helps integrative bargaining
How to improve your negotiation skills
1) ignore the first offer, set ambitious goals, do your homework, address the probelms not the personality, look for the win win
def mediator
a person who tries to make two ppl in conflict reach an agreement
def arbitrator
an independent person who is officially appointed to settle a dispute (decision is binding)
def conciliator
a person who acts a as a mediator but often proposes teh terms of a solution
def consultant
a person who assists a party through al phases of litigation, arbitration, mediation, and trial