POT Full Exam Flashcards
What is muscular dystrophy?
- progressive muscle weakness
- wheelchair use is gradual
- so may be able to walk shorter distances and need wheelchair for longer distances
A person with anorexia was recently admitted to inpatient rehab and is ready to start attending group activities. Which group should the OT recommend?
Because patients with anorexia are often in denial that their eating habits are not normal therefore CBT will help them develop insight
Howard is a 39-year-old man with a diagnosis of mania who receives outpatient occupational therapy services. What activities can the OT have Howard complete to help with his symptoms?
Running, weight lift, simple cooking tasks
People with mania respond with high energy and structured activities
In which mental disorder will there be an exacerbation of symptoms if the patient does not take their medications as prescribed, uses alcohol or illicit drugs, and is exposed to stressful situations ?
Once the patient has been discharged from the inpatient facility, what will Medicare NOT cover?
Long-term care facility
They only cover SNF for 100 days
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is associated with what other diagnoses?
Eating disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety
What is the best recommendation, you can give the parents of a child who is struggling to keep up with their written work at school due to an immature static tripod pencil grasp?
Practice moving coins from their fingertips to palm and palm back to their fingertips
What Rood technique will facilitate a purposeful muscular response?
Light touch, fast brushing, quick stretch
Sophia continues to display ADHD symptoms which are impacting on her school performance and ability to socialize with her peers. Her parents describe Sophia as being a daredevil and thrill seeker. Her teachers report that her behavior is disruptive in the classroom as she is very restless when sitting through a lesson and frequently tips her chair back. What is she demonstrating?
Sensory craving
Which FOR uses a variety of interventions aimed at improving underlying impairments in order to enhance occupational performance in desired occupations?
A patient who is passionate about being outdoors, has been diagnosed with dry macular degeneration. What type of sunglasses are the MOST effective, to protect the patient’s eyes from direct sunlight?
Orange tint
cancels out the blue light UV by providing 100% protection against blue light
Which visual feedback strategy would be the MOST EFFECTIVE in helping Virginia manage her fatigue?
pedometer to measure movement and daily activity log
A woman demonstrates difficulty determining the distance between her arm and the counter while attempting to pick up her coffee cup. This problem is an example of what condition?
defined as lack of coordination by either under or over shooting the intended position of the arm
he patient demonstrates that she is able to read the list, but she is unable to initiate looking for any of the items on the list. The OT simplifies the task by covering the list with a piece of paper, leaving only the top item visible. Based on this behavior, what should the OT document about this patient’s performance in the grocery store?
Deficits in EF affecting performance
A 6th grade student has fair trunk control secondary to lower body paralysis. She compensates by leaning forward on her desk for increased stability. What type of wheelchair will increase her independence in getting around the campus and the classroom?
Powered wheelchair with sit to stand feature and lateral trunk supports
The student demonstrates a prone grasp and slight upper extremity weakness with handwriting. Using the remedial approach, which work surface and position would be most useful in supporting this student?
Standing upright and writing on a chalkboard. The vertical reach and resistance of the chalkboard will help to strengthen the student’s upper extremity as he writes.
A 43-year-old male sustained a full thickness burn to both his upper extremities, including the dorsal surface of his hands.Which exercise would be the most appropriate to perform, at this stage of the intervention process?
Stabilizing the wrist at 15 degrees extension while performing isolated movements to IP joint
An OT is working in an acute care setting and is assessing whether a patient will be safe to go home in preparation for discharge. The OT provides modification recommendations for the patient’s home. What frame of reference is the OT using?
Occupational Adaptation
adapts the environment, person, and interaction between the two
At a new mother-baby group, an OT works with ten infants between the ages of 7 and 13 months who have developmental delay. After the OT suggests proper positioning in a high chair, what would be the next strategy to recommend?
Allow attempt for finger foods for infants
Despite providing the patient with assistive devices such as a kettle tipper, to compensate for his hemiparesis, he continues to experience great difficulty with functional tasks such as making himself a cup of coffee. What type of apraxia is this patient demonstrating in this scenario?
Ideational Apraxia
difficulty with motor planning and sequencing
Steven is a 7 year old student with spina bifida. For the most part, Steven is able to walk to and from his classroom and his locker. However, he feels more stable walking around outside with the use of his crutches. Given his current functional mobility, what type of spina bifida does Steven most likely have?
Spina Bifida Occulta
In a hand therapy clinic, a certified hand therapist uses an aesthesiometer. What is a reason for using this instrument?
patient complains of numbness in both hands and problems carrying lightweight items such as paper clips without dropping them
Aesthesiometer- measures degree of sensation by determining at how short a distance two impressions upon the skin can be distinguished,
The OT is in the intervention phase with a patient who is experiencing pain in her proximal forearm (volar surface). What is the first step the OT must take in the treatment planning?
Support and immobilize the upper limb. Provide the patient with a splint with elbow in 90 degrees and wrist in neutral
Pt probably has pronator trees and splinting to avoid forearm rotation is necessary.
Right Side CVA
affects left side of the body but R side of the brain
and vice versa
A patient who recently had a MI is ready to progress to the next stage of his cardiac rehab. The physician has approved an increase of physical activity to a MET Level of 3 – 3.5. What type of ADL can the OT introduce at this stage?
Grooming while standing at the sink
The OT then uses a goniometer to measure the 82-year old patient’s shoulder movements. She reads a measurement of 68 degrees for internal rotation. How should the OT document this findings?
Normal range is 70-90 degrees, and his ROM is slightly below the limits but expected for his age and remains a functional movement
Daniel is a 7-year-old boy in the first grade who presents with a small head and specific facial abnormalities- smooth philtrum thin upper lip and small palpebral fissures. He has poor social skills and is moody, frequently experiencing outbursts. With which condition are Daniel’s symptoms associated?
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
-affects physical deficits, intellectual disabilities, social behavioral issues
What is the purpose of balance disk on top of a seat?
Improves dynamic sitting balance