An OTR® is working with clients who have delayed healing of wounds. Which client would be MOST likely to take the longest amount of time to heal?
A 77-year-old client with a foot ulcer, diabetes, and shingles
Age, diabetes, and a compromised immune system (indicated by shingles) are all factors that delay the wound healing process.
An OTR® decides to use desensitization techniques in structured practice within the context of daily activities for a client with hypersensitivity secondary to peripheral nerve injury. Which desensitization technique would be the MOST therapeutic initially?
Use (TENS) unit during desensitization activities
During a seated lower-extremity screening, a client can flex the hips and knees bilaterally and demonstrates good plantar and dorsiflexion at the ankles. What could the OTR® safely do with this client NEXT?
Ask the client to stand up so that the OTR can assess the client’s balance and ability to ambulate.
What nonoperative treatment is MOST appropriate for deQuervain’s?
Forearm-based thumb spica splint
What type of client education is MOST IMPORTANT for the OTR® to include as part of the initial intervention of a pt with fibromyalgia ?
Strategies for integrating relaxation and work simplification into daily routines
For which condition is a custom wheelchair seating system MOST appropriate?
because of long-term wheelchair user
Which type of chair is MOST appropriate for a client with hip replacement?
A firm-based chair with armrests
An OTR® is working with a client who is concerned about resuming sexual activity after an amputation. What education strategy would be appropriate for the OTR to use with this client?
Encourage the client’s exploration of his or her “new” body.
A recent hip replacement client has been referred to an OTR® for a wheelchair evaluation. What type of wheelchair is the MOST appropriate to maintain hip precautions and preserve mobility?
Reclining Manual Wheelchair
An OTR® is working with a client who has sustained a low ulnar nerve injury to the hand. Over the weekend, the client experiences burns to the injured hand. What area of the hand would have been burned?
Ulnar side of the hand
The client with BLE Amputation refuses to participate in ADLs because of pain. The client rates the level of pain as 4 of 10 when resting in bed and 7 of 10 when standing. What is the BEST action for the OTR® to take?
Apply an elastic bandage wrap for vascular support before getting the client out of bed.
To decrease blood pooling with standing activities
Besides ROM, what other assessment is MOST IMPORTANT for the OTR® to perform before developing an intervention plan for a client with subnormal and full thickness burn?
Gross Sensory Assessment
Especially important for electrical burns due to involvement of peripheral sensory nerves.
An OTR® is treating a client who had a split-thickness skin graft 2 days ago on the left posterior axillary area. What postoperative occupational therapy intervention would be the BEST choice?
Axilla splint in 120 degrees ABD and External Rotation
to allow skin graft adherence
A client sustained partial-thickness and deep-thickness burns over a total body surface area of 60%, including the bilateral arms and legs. In the acute phase postburn, on what should the OTR® focus?
Deformity prevention
Reddened areas that last more than 20 minutes are indicative of ________ that will eventually cause skin breakdown.
pressure in the prosthetic device
So contact prosthesis immediately when this occurs
A 75-year-old client presents to an OTR® after a distal radius fracture 2 weeks earlier. The surgeon used a primary healing technique. What should the OTR focus on FIRST?
Begin with passive and active range of motion (PROM and AROM), because the client’s bone is fixed with a plate/screws (primary technique) and more stable healing
Which cognitive areas of functioning are disturbed sleep patterns MOST likely to interfere with patients with fibromyalgia?
Attention and STM
A client with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is beginning to experience ulnar drift. The client enjoys cooking but is finding it increasingly difficult to use a knife to chop food. Which is the BEST intervention for this problem?
Knife with bent handle
-for joint protection and address ulnar drift by placing hand and wrist in neutral
The client presents with a soft-tissue contracture at the elbow and is noncompliant with wear of an anterior elbow extension splint. What alternative would be BEST for effective treatment of the soft-tissue elbow contracture?
Serial casting to slowly stretch the tissue
How to transfer a person with BLE Amputation safely using a transfer board?
Shift upper body using arms to scoot along the sliding board towards the commode.
What type of agents is used to prevent blood clot?
Blood thinners (warfarin)
but can increase bleeding
What should you do first when training a pt in the post-prosthetic phase?
- teach how to operate the mechanics
- Practice repetitive tasks before doing fx task
Type 1 Diabetes?
Requires lifelong insulin therapy
After burn, what should be used to increase surface area for maximal tissue in lengthening and wound healing?
Palmar Extension splint
What are the phases of wound healing?
Inflammation (onset after injury)
Proliferation(close the wounds days to weeks)
Remodeling (scar maturation 1-2 years)
What is peripheral neuropathy?
Affects sensory, motor, autonomic fx→ vibration and position sense, sensitivity to temperature, numbness/tingling, abnormal sensorimotor fx.
What to do when a pt has an elevated BP?
place abdominal binder, wrap legs with ace bandages, apply compression socks.
How to treat a pt with visual acuity problems?
Increase background contrast to increase the sharpness of vision.
Tips to perform pressure relief in bed?
Sit using loops and forward weight shift
What is strabismus?
Crossed eyed
What is trailing technique?
Use the back of her hand to feel the wall to the same side and slightly to the front of her location while walking.
What can the Ot recommend to keep the fingers from digging in the palmar surface due to increased spasticity?
Cone splint
Sxs of Rett Syndrome
- withdrawal, irritability, and difficulty using both hands.
- problems coordinating breathing and swallowing during feeding
- gait disturbance
What type of assessment can be used to assess cognitive assessment for adults who have diagnosed with brain tumor, TBI, and CVA?
What are the benefits of using a ball seat for a child with ADHD in the classroom?
to stay focus and maintain alignment
For which 3 conditions would an OT apply manual pressure to the pelvis in order to determine whether those deformities are flexible of fixed?
Scoliosis, windswept deformity, kyphosis
After SCI, patients will experience with spinal shock and how would this present?
Start with hyporeflexia, flaccid bowel and bladder, low blood pressure, slow heart rate, and no perspiration below the level of injury.
What type of spoon keeps the food in the bowl of the spoon when the spoon is turned at any angle
Swivel spoon
What is Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development?
Sensorimotor (0-2) Infants learn through movements/sensations, object permanence, action cause things to happen around them
Preoperational (2-7) learn through symbols, pictures, and words to represent objects, EGOCENTRIC, struggle with constancy
Concrete (7-12) more logical thinking
Formal(12+) Abstract thoughts, deductive reasoning
What would a patient with Huntington’s look like?
- Irregular, rapid jerky (chorea)
- slow writhing involuntary movements
A patient with total hip arthroplasty, what is the best seated position for this patient?
Edge of Bed
What is in a systematic sample?
individuals are selected from a population list at specified intervals.
Name the research method that starts with data collection and does not begin with a hypothesis
Grounded Theory
The parent of a 7-year-old child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder informs the OTR® that the child recently started taking dexmethylfenidate (Focalin). Which side effect of this drug must the OTR® watch for?
Moodiness and Agitation
The infant’s birth history is positive for placental abruption. Given this information, what might the OTR® observe for?
Signs and Sis of Congenital CP
Which class of psychopharmaceutical drugs is mood elevating but may increase suicidal tendencies in young adults and carries a small risk of causing hypomania or mania?