posterior mediastinum Flashcards
region within the thorax between the left and right pulmonary cavities
Pulmonary cavities include?
the lung within the pleural sac and the primary bronchus traveling into the lung
division of the mediastinum occurs at?
the sternal angle (2nd costal cartilage)
what structures are in the posterior mediastinum
- thoracic aorta and its branches
- azygos venous system
- thoracic duct
- esophagus
- vagus nerve
- sympathetic trunk and autonomic plexuses
what does the thoracic aorta supply?
visceral and somatic structures in the thorax
the aortic arch occurs within the?
superior mediastinum
the trachea occurs within the?
superior mediastinum
the border between the superior and inferior mediastinum occurs at
the aortic arch
first branch off of the thoracic aorta is the? what do they supply
bronchial arteries; lung parenchyma and bronchial branches
what is coming of the anterior aspect of the esophagus?
esophageal arteries
what is the last branch of the thoracic aorta? what do they supply?
posterior intercostal arteries; supplies the intercostal muscles
what veins drain posterior intercostal veins in the thorax and lumbar veins in the abdomen
azygos venous system
the right side of the azygos vein contains? what is it draining?
on the right is the main azygos vein; it drains the right posterior intercostal vein
on the left side of the azygos system contains what? what is it draining?
hemiazygos vein- drains the more inferior posterior intercostal veins
accessory hemiazygos veins that drain the more superior posterior intercostal veins
how do you find hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins?
look for veins that are crossing midline and draining into the azygos system