Posterior Hip and thigh Flashcards
Gluteus Maximus
O: Thoracolumbar fascia; Gluteal fossa of the iliac wing; Sacrotuberous ligament; Posterior and inferior sacrum and coccyx
I: Gluteal tuberosity of the femur; Iliotibial band
I: Inferior gluteal nerve
A: External rotate at the hip; Extension of the thigh at the hip; Abduct the thigh at the hip
Gluteus Medius
O: Gluteal fossa of the iliac wing
I: Greater trochanter of the femur
I: Superior gluteal nerve
A: Abduction of the thigh at the hip; Internal rotation of the thigh at the hip (anterior fibers); External rotation of the hip (Posterior fibers)
Working as a whole: Stabilizer of the pelvis
Gluteus Minimus
O: Gluteal fossa of the iliac wing
I: Greater trochanter of the femur
I: Superior gluteal nerve
A: Internal rotation of the thigh at the hip; Abduction of the thigh at the hip
Deep muscles of the hip (posterior)
Piriformis Superior gemellus Obturator internus Inferior gemellus Quadratus femoris
O: Anterior surface of the sacrum
I: Greater trochanter of the femur
I: Branches of the sacral plexus
A: External rotation of the thigh at the hip; Abduction of the thigh at the hip (if thigh is flexed)
Superior gemellus
O: Spine of the ischium (Ishial spine)
I: Greater trochanter of the femur
I: Branched of the sacral plexus
A: External rotation of the thigh at the hip ; Abduction of the thigh at the hip (if thigh is flexed)
Inferior gemellus
O: Tuberosity of the ishium (ishial tuberosity)
I: Greater trochanter of fthe femus
I: Branches of the sacral plexus
A: External rotation of the thigh at the hip, Abduction of the thigh at the hip (if the thigh is flexed)
Obturator internus
O: Obturator membrane
I: Greater trochanter of the femur; Trochantaric fossa
I: Branches of the brachial plexus
A: External rotation of the thigh at the hip
Quadratus femoris
O: Tuberosity of the ishium (ishial tuberosity)
I: Interotrochantaric crest of the femur
A: External rotation of the thigh at the hip; Adduction of the thigh at the hip
Sciatic nerve
Passes under piriformis and above superior gemellus
Obturator externus
O: Obturator membrane
I: Trocahntaric fossa
A: Adducts the thigh at the hip (in flexion); Laterally/externally rotates the thigh at the hip
Biceps femoris : Long head
O: Tuberosity of the ishium (ishial tuberosity)
I: Head of the fibula; Lateral condyle of tibia
I: Tibial Nerve
A: Extension of the thigh at the hip; Flexes the leg at the knee; laterally rotaes the leg if the leg is flexed
Biceps femoris: Short head
O: Linea aspera
I: Head of fibula; Lateral condyle of tibia
I: Common peroneal nerve
A: Flexes the leg at the knee; Laterally rotates the leg if the leg is flexed
O: Tuberosity of the ishium (ishial tuberosity); Sacrotuberous ligament
I: Pes anserinus (proximal tibia)
I: Tibial nerve
A: Extends the thigh at the hip; Flexes the leg at the knee; Internally rotates the leg at the knee
O: Tuberosity of the Ishium (Ishial Tuberosity)
I: Medial condyle of the tibia
I: Tibial nerve
A: Extends the thigh at the hip; Flexes the leg at the knee; Internally rotate the leg at the knee