Post WWII Flashcards
What is the golden triangle?
The relationship between commercialism, sport and media
What is commercialism?
when a company pays for their products to be publicly displayed or advertised, usually an attempt to increase the sales of their goods
What is globalisation?
the process whereby nations are increasingly being linked together and people are becoming more interdependent via improvements in communication and travel
Media uses sport to gain viewers/readers
what are the benefits?
sport gets money for allowing events to be televised
Media uses sport to gain viewers/readers
what are the disadvantages?
media sensationalise sport/reports
Media used by business for advertising
what are the benefits?
business pays sport for advertising at events / sponsorship
Media used by business for advertising
what are the disadvantages?
media affects organisation of sport
Business pays for media advertising space/time
what are the benefits?
sport becomes popularised / more fans
Business pays for media advertising space/time
what are the disadvantages?
media can change nature of sport / breaks / length / method
What is the disadvantages of business paying sport to act as advertising medium?
only popular sports televised
What are the characteristics of commercial sport
professional sport
wide media coverage
sponsorship and business
athletes as commodities
what characteristics of sport make it attractive for TV coverage?
multi-event option
money - link to sponsorship
famous figures
rationalised - understand rules
What are the effects of commercialisation on professional performers?
receive high incomes for sports participations and commercial activities promoting products, which gives financial security and allows full-time training and competition
are paid for successful results, makes winning important
can be put under pressure to perform when injured
are controlled by sponsor, become public commodities and suffer from lack of privacy
What are the effects of commercialisation on sport?
rules and scoring systems have been changed or introduced to speed up the action and prevent spectator boredom
breaks provided in play so sponsors can advertise product and services
increase use of technology through the media has led to more personal experience for the viewer
Why do companies invest large amounts of money into sport?
to gain awareness of their brand / add value
associate product with healthy image of sport / excellence of highest levels of sport
increased sales / commercial benefits / increased profits / publicity
gives opportunity to link corporate hospitality
What are the types of media?
social media
What are the positive effects media can have on sport?
increased, positive role-models to identify with and inspire participation
What are the positive effects media can have on sport?
increased funding / sponsorship opportunities / advertising
income to the sport via TV rights
What are the positive effects media can have on sport?
myths can be broken (ability of women to play sports such as football to a higher level)
What are the positive effects media can have on sport?
minority sports
highlighted and promoted
What are the positive effects media can have on sport?
sport is made more entertaining / attracted to the viewer via changes made to a sport to speed up the action (T20)
What are the positive effects media can have on sport?
positive impact of introduction of technology via media innovation (referees miked up so the audience can hear them)
How is globalisation seen in sport?
The way players are recruited to play for teams in countries other than their own
spreading of different sports to new nations e.g. 2022 Qatar World Cup
sponsorship of events e.g. coca-cola is a ‘universal sponsor’
increasing pressure on athletes to perform to their best
what are the overall golden triangle impacts on sport?
sport receives money from media to be televised -> expand sport
increase popularity -> more available platforms to watch on
poor decisions made -> sport receive scrutiny, timing affected by advertisements
tennis receive sponsorship so better equipment
players doing badly when wearing kit may damage sponsor