Post-Partum Problems Flashcards
Define puerperium. When is it said to have ended?
Time from delivery until 6 weeks
The time for the uterus to involute.
When most of the physiological changes of pregnancy have returned to the pre-pregnancy state (apart from lactation and psychological strains).
What are the potentially life-threatening post-partum problems? (6)
Postpartum Haemorrhage Thromboembolic disease Psychiatric disorders Pre-eclampsia Sepsis Cardiac disease
What was the maternal death rate in 2012-2014 (per 100,000 births)?
8.5 per 100,000
Maternal deaths - how many died due to medical and/or mental health problems in pregnancy (%)?
How many of these women had these conditions before they became pregnant (%)?
Maternal deaths - how many died from direct complications of pregnancy (%)?
What is the biggest cause of maternal death (2012-14) according to MBRRACE-UK?
SBAR should be used to improve communicaiton. What does it stand for?
Cardiac disease
What is post-partum haemorrhage?
Excessive bleeding following delivery
What is primary post-partum haemorrhage?
> 500ml blood loss from the genital tract within 24 hours of delivery
What is secondary post-partum haemorrhage?
Abnormal bleeding from the genital tract, from 24 hours after delivery to 6 weeks
Which is more common - primary or secondary PPH? What is the incidence?
Primary - it is the leading worldwide cause of maternal death
What are the four main causes of primary PPH?
Tone - uterine atony (70%)
Tissue - retained placenta (9%)
Trauma - vulval or vaginal lacerations (20%)
Thrombin - coagulopathy (1%)
What causes 80% of primary PPH?
Uterine atony (tone) Retained placenta/fragments of placenta (tissue)
What causes 20% of primary PPH?
Vulval or vaginal lacerations (trauma)
Coagulopathy (thrombin)
What are the predisposing factors for primary PPH? (9)
Antepartum haemorrhage in this pregnancy Placenta praevia Multiple pregnancy Pre-eclampsia Nulliparity (never having given birth) Previous PPH Maternal obesity Maternal (increased) age Multiparity (having given birth to >4 children)
What are the intrapartum risk factors for primary PPH? (7)
Emergency or elective C-section Retained placenta Episiotomy Operative vaginal delivery Labour >12 hours >4kg baby Maternal pyrexia in labour
How is primary PPH managed? (7)
IV access (2 x 14 gauge cannulae)
Monitor clinically
Oxygen by mask
Indwelling urinary catheter (to ensure bladder is empty)
Bimanual uterine compression (to stimulate contractions)
Explain more about the uterotonics (agent used to induce contraction/oxytocic agents) for primary PPH? (5)
IVI syntocinon (40 units in 500ml over 4 hours)
PGE1 misoprostol (800 mg rectally)
PGF2α carboprost (250mcg by IM injection)
Give IV/IM injection of ergometrine (500 mcg)
What surgery can be done for primary PPH? (7)
Examination under anaesthetic (lower genital tract)
Check the placenta
Suture tears
Intrauterine balloon (Bakri)
Uterine artery embolisation or bilateral ligation (of uterine arteries or internal iliac arteries)
B-lynch suture (to compress an atonic uterus)
What are the causes of secondary PPH? (2)
Infection (e.g. endometritis)
Retained products of conception
How is secondary PPH managed?
How many % of cases treated improve within 48-72 hours?
Broad spectrum IV antibiotics
If RPOC evacuate after 24 hours of antibiotics
The main protective physiological change in pregnancy against PPH is increasing clotting factors and reducing anti-coagulants. Why is this dangerous?
It predisposes to thromboembolic disease
What are the pre-existing risk factors for TED? (9)
Previous VTE Thrombophilia Age over 35 years Obesity Parity >4 Gross varicose veins Paraplegia Sickle cell disease Inflammatory disorders
What are the pregnancy risk factors for TED? (7)
Surgical procedure Dehydration Sepsis Pre-eclampsia Excessive blood loss Prolonged labour Immobility after delivery
What are the symptoms of a DVT? (4)
Painful swollen leg (lower leg or whole leg)
Pain in left iliac fossa, groin, buttock, or lower abdomen