Post Partum Haemorrhage Flashcards
What is primary PPH?
Loss of >500ml of blood in first 24 hours after delivery
What is secondary PPH?
Blood loss after 24 hours of delivery until 12 weeks
How is blood loss classified in primary PPH?
Minor: 500-1L
Major: more than 1L
Major moderate - 1L to 2L
Major severe - more than 2L
Following CS: more than 750ml
What risk factors are there for PPH?
Antenatal: previous PPH or retained placenta, APH, maternal Hb<85 at onset of labour, BMI >35, multiparity >4, maternal age >35, uterine malformations, large placenta site, overdistended uterus - twins, polyhydramnios, placenta praevia/accreta
In labour: prolonged labour, induction, precipitate labour, operative birth, large baby, episiotomy/tear
What is the most common cause?
Uterine atony 90% - a soft, spongy, boggy uterus (slow and steady loss of blood) Other cause: Tissue - retained products Trauma - genital tract trauma Thrombin - clotting disorders
How is PPH managed?
Call for help - life threatening emergency, senior midwife, obstetric registrar and SHO, anaesthetic reg, scribe, if massive: 2222 call alert to haematologist, blood bank, porters and theatres
High flow oxygen
Assess airway and intubated if decreased conscious level
Insert 2 large bore cannula (grey) and take blood for FBC, u&E, LFT, clotting, cross match 4-6 units
If blood loss torrential and mother unstable: use emergency group O rhesus neg until cross match available- transfuse 1L go packed red cells to 1u FFP
Start IV fluids - hartmanns 1L stat
Deliver placenta - empty uterus of clots or retained tissue
Massage uterus to generate contractions/bimanual compression
Give drugs to contract uterus
Identify cause and treat - suture trauma, correct coagulation
If ongoing bleeding take to theatre for examination under anaesthesia
When managing PPH p, what drugs are given to contract the uterus?
Syntometrine IM 1 amp Oxytocin infusion Ergometrine 0.25mg IV/IM Misoprostol 100mcg PR Carboprost 250mcg every 15 mins up to 8 doses
What is an appropriate first line surgical management if uterine atony is the main cause?
Intrauterine balloon tamponade
If uterus still atonic despite drugs, balloon tamponade, what can be done in theatre?
Insert B Lynch sutures - a compression suture, inserted through lower segment over the top of uterus (looks like a belt and braces)
If bleeding still ongoing - consider internal iliac or uterine artery ligation
Uterine artery embolisation helpful but not option everywhere
Subtotal or total hysterectomy - decision should not be delayed as maternal death may result
What are the side effects of oxytocin?
Hypotension Flushing N&V Vasospasm No contraindications
What are the side effects of ergometrine?
Contraindications: PET, HTN, CVD
What are the side effects of carboprost?
Vomiting and diarrhoea Vasospasm Bronchospasm Flushing Shivering Contraindications: CVD, asthma
What are the side effects of misoprostol?
Nausea and diarrhoea
Contraindications: none
What factors suggest significant blood loss? It can be difficult to measure or sight
Decrease >10% haematocrit
Change in mother’s HR, BP, oxygen sats
Describe what happens in uterine atony
Failure of contractions to clamp down on uterine arteries