Post modernism Flashcards
What is post-modernism?
Society has passed through 3 stages
Pre-industrial society
Modern industrial society
Postmodern industrial society
Divides the development of society into historical periods
What was life like in pre-industrial societies?
Stable and predictable
- acted on the basis of tradition
- roles/status were relatively fixed
What was life like in modernity?
Based on rationality (rather than tradition/religion)
- social life is less predictable, more uncertainty
- more rapid change introduced
What is life like in the postmodern era?
More choice- identity less fixed and more fluid, increasing uncertainty
- more emphasis on identity construction
Key post modernist beliefs
- choice
- lifestyle changes
- identity changes
- pick n mix culture
- no more fixed/traditional families
- the family is unstable
- family diversity
Who are the key postmodernists?
1- Giddens
2- Beck & Beck Gernsheim
3- Stacey
4- Lyotard
What key concepts did Giddens introduce?
- Plastic sexuality
- Confluent love
- Pure relationships
- Reflexive project of self
What is plastic sexuality?
Consequence of effective contraception, economic and social independence of women
- enhanced flexibility in sexual relations and encounters
- pleasure, malleable erotic expression
What is confluent love?
A theory that argues individuals are now looking to create meaningful relationships that are based on love and respect
What are pure relationships?
Opening out to each other, enjoying unique qualities, trust through mutual disclosure
What does reflexive project of self mean?
Reflection on life/identity and improve their situation
e.g. going back to college
- society is becoming increasingly more self aware of their own situations
What key concepts did Beck & Beck Gernsheim introduce?
- individualisation
- conflict from choice
- zombie family
- chaotic personal relationships lead to higher divorce rates
(no more empty shell marriages)
What does individualisation mean?
Individual behaviour is less bound by the traditional norms and values
- more self-steered, less collectively
What is conflict from choice?
‘clash of interests’
People have too much choice and this causes conflict because people and their interests begin to clash
What is a zombie family?
No relationship or attachment with each other so the family is weaker
- appears to be alive but in reality is dead
- people want it to be a haven of security in an insecure world but todays family cannot provide this because of its own instability
What is an empty shell marriage
Marriage in name only, the couple continues to live under the same roof but as separate individuals usually for the sake of the children
What key concepts does Stacey introduce?
- arrived at ‘post modern’ family
- family is diverse, fluid, unresolved
- SILICON VALLEY, California family study
What key concepts does Lyotard introduce?
- metanarratives
- globalisation
- media-saturated society
- fragmentation in social life
What is a metanarrative?
Dominant narratives that shape our understanding of social structures and institutions
Th American Dream= social mobility, happiness, success
How has globalisation impacted the family?
Family ties loosen due to physical distance, impractical for members to come together more often
- global affairs all around the world (globally conscious)
What is a media-saturated society?
The media has absorbed and consumed our lives
What is fragmentation in social life?
The absence of connections between individuals in society
- life is split up into different elements
- break down of community, no longer whole
What are the strengths of the postmodernist perspective?
- disagree with using metanarratives
- recognise family diversity
- how family has progressed
- challenges assumptions we make as a society
What are the weaknesses of the postmodernist perspective?
X Chester- nuclear family is still dominant
X women still harshly judged for choices they make
X not as much choice with personal relationships
X claimed to be a metanarrative
What is the difference between romantic love and confluent love?
Romantic love you stay with someone no matter what whereas with confluent love you end the relationship if it doesn’t fit your needs