post-mod explore…
dc emerging as post-mod society progesses
post-mod take a _______ view an look at….
neutral view and look at what is possible due to new forms of tech
they see new forms of communication reflecting a….
shift towards greater individual choice
post-mod see that ppl have greater….
ability to develop parts of identity, building social network
what 3 things do we need to remember for post-mod view on dc?
digital forms and identity
facebook as a form of autobiography
digital media and surveillance
digital forms of communication allow ppl to create…
their own identity as it shows how they see themselves and how other see them
who says to understand society, we must understand the chains of interaction between people?
Collins says…
to understand society, we must understand the chains of interaction between people
Collins says we need to look at social network sites using a ____ sociology approach as….
micro-sociological approach as it helps us learn how people see the world around them
Collins says we must consider the differences in people’s…
online/offline lives e.g. show Catfish
who explains that individ have used autobio to describe lives?
Bjorklund says that…
individuals have used autobiographies to describe their lives
She (Bjorklund) says in post-mod world, dc allows…
people to manipulate and update their ongoing autobio continually
Hart says that….
people are writing and rewriting their autobio on a daily basis reflecting own values of society
FB posts are insignif and superficial, use events of FB to understand people’s feelings and actions in social context
who says that people are writing and rewriting their autobio on a daily basis reflecting own values of society / FB posts are insignif and superficial, use events of FB to understand people’s feelings and actions in social context?
Case says…
diff identities on/offline is a challenge to adolescents as they have two lives growing up
who says diff identities on/offline is a challenge to adolescents as they have two lives growing up?
post-mod says that media acts as a form of…
digital media and surveillance links to….
Foucault’s idea of someone being watched is less likely to commit crime as chances of caught is greater
how do people have info collected on them and what does this control?
collected on profiles controls behaviour, habits, preferences and tastes e.g. supermarkets through loyalty cards