what 5 things does digital communication impact?
age older users of dc class gender location
what sociologists do we have to remember for age?
what does Garside says about age and dc?
6 year old understands digital tech more than 45 year old
Garside found that younger generations…
shape digital communication therefore have different habits from older generations
Garside found that two decades ago teenagers…
devoted their evenings talking on the phone, now they socialise sending messages, photos or videos
Ofcom claims that…
‘the millennium generation is losing its voice’
Boyle found that…
each generation becomes more and more reliant on digital communication
Boyle said young people…
are more receptive to learning new skills that are demanded by new forms of technology and communication
Boyle says young people place more importance on what?
more importance on peers and social networks so use digital communication more
Young people have more what?
free time and less responsibilities as well as more money spent on them making them having best iphones, tablets etc
what sociologist do we need to remember for older users of digital communication?
what does Berry focus on?
older people
Berry’s findings found that people….
who don’t have the internet is due to a lack of skills or lack of interest not the fact they didn’t have access
Berry found _______________ ________ preventing…
psychological barriers preventing older people from going online
It was found older people who…
use the internet do so less frequently than younger people
However, Berry recognises that there has been what designed?
content designed to encourage older people to use the internet e.g. with big fonts and contrasting colours
what sociologist do we need to remember for class and digital communication?
Mertens and D’Haenens
what did Mertens and D’Haenens find?
social class was linked to lower internet use
what do people from lower social class use technology for?
what did Mertens and D’Haenens aim to study?
the digital divide by ethnicity and gender, but found social class was the most powerful factor
Mertens and D’Haenens said the digital divide is…
bigger than we thought because some people may not want to admit it because they are embarrassed
who studied gender and digital communicstion?
Li and Kirkup
what did Li and Kirkup investigate?
differences in use of attitudes towards the internet and computers
who did Li and Kirkup studied?
Chinese and British studets through self-report questionnaires
what did Li and Devine find?
different experiences, usage and confidence between students
what did Li and Kirkup find about men?
men in both countries more likely to use email, chat rooms and play games
men more confident with computer skills and said it was male activity
where were gender differences higher in Li and Kirkup’s study?
higher in the British group than in the Chinese group
what was the location impact of digital forms of communication?
evidence of use of internet in diff parts of world shows diff patterns of access showing uneven distrib of globalisation
what do more developed countries have?
greater access to and consumption of the internet