what do marxists believe about dc?
different version of other communication
what do marxists say about media convergence?
has sell their media in different format leading to profit
marxists say that media is…
bigger platform to share ideas and capitalism leads people to not question ineq
what two things do Marxists look at?
de-regulation of the media and dc (digital communication)
DC providing a new form of surveillance
what does the de-reg of media and dc refer to?
lack of regulation in dc where it is priv companies in charge so people have no moral responsibility
what do marxists argue about internet and forms of dc?
method of surveillance and subtle way to control and regulate people
there is little _______ ___________ to protect who?
financial encouragement for protecting vulnerable groups e.g. children or women so little is done to prevent exploitation
Garside wants de-reg of media and dc because…
adults spend excessive amounts of time online, 8hr 41m communicating or consuming media and 8hr 21m asleep
how is dc providing a new form of surveillance?
priv companies gather info on social media, track movements without knowledge or consent
dc threatens what according to marxism?
individual liberty and freedom
what marxist studied dc?
Cornford and Robins
what did Cornford and Robins find about capitalism and dc?
capitalism controls subtly through social media and excuses extremism and criminal acts
Cornford and Robins says dc is a huge challenge to what?
to people’s individual privacy
Cornford and Robins found ‘the continuation..’
‘the continuation of power being concentrated in the hands of the few’
Cornford and Robins said that dc is presented as… when in reality….
positive new form of democratic leading to greater equality in the creation and spread of new ideas when in reality people who control media are capitalists who make profit and control masses
in the past, Cornford and Robins found that ruling class owned _______ but now power comes from the _____
owned factories, but now they control media including news and entertainment shaping ideas of population
how can Garside be criticised?
people need the internet to communicate and make links
how can Cornford and Robins be criticised?
people can be private or not participate in media if they don’t want to