what five things do we need to remember for developments in digital forms of communication?
the digital revolution the global village social networks social networks in employment virtual communities
what is the digital revolution?
massive and rapid improvements in technology that have transformed people’s lives
what 2 things have led to new communication?
computer technology
new media
what is the global village?
digital communication has led to increasing volume of communication and doesn’t involve face to face contact
what had the global village led to?
idea of time and distance to shrink
world seems like a smaller place
what had the global village allowed?
increased ability to create and to maintain
what are social networks?
rapid increase in digital tech has led to diff range of social network that go beyond face to face
what can you form online on social networks?
form all types of diff relationships for example friend groups, work networks, family networks and networks linked to hobbies and religion
what are social networks in employment?
rely on the internet to create and maintain work based on relationships
what is argued about social networks in employment?
unless a person has access to digital forms of communication they are at a disadvantage
what does a networked global society refer to?
post-industrial society, the focus is on info as a result of the new forms of communication
what does access to information lead to in employment social networks?
leads to greater employability and hierarchial status
in employment social networks, ___________ and __________ lead to _______ _______
relationships and connections leads to material rewards
what is a virtual community?
social network of individuals who create an online community, may or may not reflect their offline lives
what does the virtual community cross?
geographical, political and social lives
virtual communities are turning…
very realistic and increasingly complex
people are sharing what leading to them ________ their identities
sharing their hobbies, interests and creating leads them to transform their identities
what is an example of a virtual community?
message boards, online chats rooms, virtual world and social networks
what 2 studies do we need to remember for developments in digital forms of communication?
what does Carter explore?
ways digital forms of communication used in creating and maintaining relationships in increasingly globalised context
what did Carter study and how?
online community called CyberCity
carried out obervations, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews
what were Carter’s findings?
people that meet online continue these online friendships in their offline lives and meet in person
Carter argues that….
cyberspace is becoming increasingly embedded in people’s everyday lives
what did Boellstorff study?
Second Life where residents create communities, buy property, go to concerts and bars etc
how did Boellstorff study?
2 years with ppt observations and interviews exploring issues such as gender, race, sec etc
what occurred in Second life that has led Belgian police to patrol within the game?
user reported being raped and more recent reports of prostitution and pornography
what do the issues in Second life raise questions about?
moral regulation of online forms of communication and how laws are long way from regulating and punishing this deviant behaviour