Post imperial states Flashcards
Main problem of revolutionaires(2)
avoided economic distribution of wealth - social inequality 2)modernisation would lead to change in peasantry who were brunt of support
Republican regimes (2)
China 1911-1949 2)turkey 1923 - present
Overview of rChina republic (4)
1) China - semi colonial - did not control trade policies or industries -2) didn’t get much from Versailles despite sending thousands of labourers - protests - formation of chinese communist party 3)modernisation - military academys, education, decolonised Chinese econonomy - prepartaion of japn invasion 4) new life movement - 1934 - top down to civilise people - spittin in streets - turn peasant pop into discuplined
Overview of Turkey republic
1) british had free trade with ottoman empire - hurt industry as british imports cheaper 2) had ottoman empire partitioned off as lost war - turkey nationalist mobilised - republic of turkey 1923 3) natioanlised foreign industries - transport - unifed education system 4) Hat law - 1924 - banned fez - mandate western dress - no longer tied to religion - break from past
Republican democracies
authoritarain one party states - secular - no official religion - period of one party cofntrol as people need be endoctrantated
Post Imperial states
USSR 1917-941 and China after 1949
USSR modernisation (3)
1) fear of invasion 2) war communism - state seizure of goods and industries to help regime beat tsarist forces 3) NEP - private buisnees allowed - open markets - economy boom 1927 - ideoloogical problems - inequality in wealth and slow procedure 3) Heavy industry under Stalin - squeezed peasantry - collectiviisation - peasants forced to work on giant collective farms - 1928 to 1937 rose from 1.2 percent to 93 - state ownership of food - convert cash - buy equipment for industry - famile of 5 mill
China modernisation (2)
1) sino soviet friendship doesnt last - mao blames ussr for slow process 2) collectivisation - great leap forward 1958-61 - belief in hard work - suspicious over expertees - peasants little incentive though - war on pests - disrupted food chains - famile of 30 million
Culture of violence
1) Mass culutral violence - fear of internal division - genocide against armenians 1.5 mill in ww1. 2) Kulaks - wealthy peasants from nep - murdered or sent to gulags 3) china - public execution of bad classes - officials scared of being bad class so exaggerated harvests - peasants had nothing to eat