Decolonisation and independence Flashcards
3 stages of decolonisation (3)
1) 1940s Asia - 47 India 2) 50s and 60s - Laos 54, Ghana 62, Jamaica 62 3) 70s collapse of Portuguese empire - Zimbabwe
Definitions of decolonisation (3)
1) legal constituitional event - transfer of sovereignity - not good indicator of relations - don’t need soverieingity to exert power 2) transformation of imperialism to nec colonialism - powers still involved informally 3) breakdown of colonial order - fall of all influence and relations
Reasons for decolonisation (5)
1) planned obsolescence - always plan to decolonise countries 2) neo colonialism - buisnesses could secure better interests through independent countries rather than colonies 3) metropole politics - not comfortbale with being authoritarian and racist 4) international environment - superpowers dictated what would would look like. us wanted access to markets - supported indonesia over dutch. un public opinion. 5) nationalism - empire ran out of collaborators - quit Indian movement during war
Post colonial indepedence (3)
new leadership - removal of european head to local leader - Nehru and Nkrumah of Kenya 57. 2) state instituitions under control - civil service totally indian 3) change limited - political geography - old colonial borders remained, language, legal systems and religion continued