Positivism & Interpretivism Flashcards
Theorectical Ideas
Ideas in Essays
theoretical povs of the meth - what do positivists/ interps think
Theoretical Considerations in Choice of Research
refers to whether research is theoretically reliable & valid & researchers attitudes to what type of data & methods yield the best results
Theoretical Perspective
want to uncover general laws about behav using scientific quantative methods to study large nums of ppl in a reliable rep way
Theoretical Perspective
want to really understand & empth e/ indu ppls expers gaining in depth insights into their lives using qualitative methods for better rapports & greater validity
view socio should use meths of nat scis - doesn’t mean using expers = ethical probs - should use quan meths & aim to iden & measure soc strucs - example = D - suicide study
quan meths - soc surveys, struc questionaires & offic stats = good reliability & rep
see soc as shaping the indu & believe soc facts shape indu action
trad stresses NBance of quan research - large scale surveys to get overview of soc & uncover soc trends - rela between edu ach & soc class - m interested in trends & patterns X indu
Social Facts
concepts & institutions in soc that are obj & sci verfiable
Durkheim’s Study of Suicide
comp the incidence of various soc factors w/ num of cases of suicide
did close analysis of available off stats - showed varied: from one country to another - rapid soc change = higher rates, between dif soc groups - div = higher rates than mar, between relig groups - prots higher than caths
= rela stable for each group in rela to each other = entirely indu - untouched by soc factors
Durkheim’s Study of Suicide Conclusion
suicide rates inc when = too little/much soc regulation/intergration
Social Regulation
the extent to which there are clear norms & values in a soc
Social Intergration
extent to which ppl belong to soc
Durkheim’s 4 Types of Suicide
due to breakdown of soc equlibrium, bankruptcy, loss of job & family
Durkheim’s 4 Types of Suicide
results from over intergration of indu into soc proof removing them self for the betterment of immediate fam/ soc group
Durkheim’s 4 Types of Suicide
soc sets an expec that burdensome ppl should remove themselves
Durkheim’s 4 Types of Suicide
soc isolation leads a man to destroy himself