Population Growth Flashcards
A population growing at its maximum rate grows […]
slowly at first and then faster and faster
Growth by any population with pulsed reproduction can be modeled as […]
geometric population growth
An example of an organism that exhibits geometric growth
Phlox drummondii
Continuous population growth in an unlimited environment can be modeled as […]
exponential population growth
An example of an organism that exhibits exponential growth
Scots Pine
States that as resources are depleted, population growth rates slows and eventually stops
Logistic Population Growth
States that as population size increases, growth rates cease and produces a Sigmoidal shaped curve
Logistic Population Growth
The population size at which growth stops
Carrying Capacity (K)
Because the effects of biotic factors are often influenced by population density, biotic factors are often referred to as […]
density-dependent factors
Abiotic factors can exert their influences independently of population density and so are often called […]
density-independent factors