Population Flashcards
Endocrine disruptors: plasticizer
5 factors that decrease population
Limiting factors, disease/predators/competiton/food/disasters, carrying capacity, ecological resistance, species type (r vs. k)
Mark and Recapture formula: K stands for
Number of animals captured on 2nd visit
Mortality curve type that shows few early deaths and most deaths occur in old age
Type 1
Population Age Distribution: More older people than younger, decreasing birth rates (Japan), people enjoy single life
Upside down
Exponential Growth equation
G = rN
number of different species in a certain ecosystem
Species richness
Doubling Time equation:
70 / Growth Rate as percentage (not decimal)
Life History Pattern: Linear/logistic growth
equilibrium species
Method for determining population size used for mobile species
Life History Pattern: mature and reproduce quickly
opportunistic species
Life History Pattern: mature slowly, reproduce later in life
equilibrium species
Equilibrium species are also known as this
4 factors that increase population
Age of maturity, reproductive lifespan, frequency of reproduction, survival rate
Community diversity formula
organisms in species / total # of organisms in population X 100
Population Age Distribution: Population has bulges and valleys, not the same amount of people in each age group
Both growth patterns start with _____ and then have _____ growth
lag; exponential
graph that shows how quickly individuals die in a species
Mortality curve
Method for determining population size that is most accurate, but seldom feasible
Direct Count
7 influences on human population growth
Migration rates, Fertility rates, Pop. Age Distribution, Hygiene, Medical advances, Ag improvements, Other tech improvements
the variety of different species present within an ecosystem
Community diversity
Life History Pattern: Very adaptable, favor unstable environments
opportunistic species
Mortality curve type where there are lots of death in early years but a few individuals live a long time
Type 3
Mortality curve type where deaths have the same likelihood in both young and old age
Type 2
Mark and Recapture formula: N stands for
Number of animals in population
Endocrine disruptors: known as “forever chemicals”, used because they resist grease, oil, water, and heat, used in non-stick cookware
Endocrine disruptors: used in metal cans
Population Density formula
organism / area searched
Factor that can both increase and decrease carrying capacity
Changing climate and other environmental factors
Mark and Recapture formula: n stands for
Number of animals marked on first visit
Exponential Growth equation: r stands for
net reproduction per individual per unit time
Population distribution where members of the species are concentrated in separate groups
Life History Pattern: population generally stable, well adapted for habitat
equilibrium species
Method for determining population size where you sample an area, then extrapolate
4 ways carrying capacity can decrease
Environmental degradation, depletion of non-renewable resources, extinction of bioresource, introduction of a new competitor
Growth pattern where population steadily increases and levels off at the carrying capacity
Linear/Logistic Growth
Exponential Growth equation: G stands for
population growth per unit time
natural and human caused variations impacting reproductive organs, hormones, and chromosomes (1.7% occurence in humans)
opportunistic species are also known as this
Population Age Distribution: IDEAL, population stays the same, equal birth and death rates
(Near) Stationary
Population distribution where members of the species are spread evenly across the ecosystem
nearly uniform
Mark and Recapture formula
N = n (K/k)
Exponential Growth equation: N stands for
population size
Life History Pattern: Fewer offspring, more parental care
equilibrium species
Population Age Distribution: Pyramid-shaped. Seen in developing nations. High birth rates where people die relatively young due to lack of healthcare.
Endocrine disruptors: oxidizer in fuel for rockets and missiles
Growth pattern where the population grows at an accelerating rate, goes beyond the carrying capacity, and crashes back down
Exponential Growth
Life History Pattern: adapt slowly, favor stable environments
equilibrium species
Mark and Recapture formula: k stands for
Number of recaptured animals that were already marked
3 ways carrying capacity can increase
Tech advances, behavior, decrease in body size/resource demand
Life History Pattern: Competitors and Specialists
equilibrium species
Life History Pattern: exponential growth
opportunistic species
3 Assumptions about human population
Exceed Earth’s carrying capacity and crash, meet it and remain stable, or keep rising / use tech to increase it
Life History Pattern: population crashes quickly, inhabit many environments
opportunistic species
Life History Pattern: generalists and colonizers
opportunistic species
Life History Pattern: many offspring, little parental care
opportunistic species
Population distribution where members of a species are dispersed in no distinct pattern