POOW OOD+ Flashcards
Assessment Zone Distance
500 yards
What to report about ships in the assessment zone
- Speed
- Bearing
- Size
Thread Zone Distance
100 yards
Security communication assets to attempt communication with unidentified boats within assessment zone [5]
- Near by ships
- Blow horn
- Bridge to bridge
- 1MC
The Division Officer performs an Equipment Validation Verification (EVV) with which two personnel?
WCS and personnel who verified the Equipment Validation.
Equipment Validation Verification
(MFOM) AWN system.
(1) Maintenance Figure of Merit (MFOM) V1. MFOM1 is computed off the
maintenance factors of the job, such as, priority code, status code, etc. The higher MFOM is, the
more maintenance worth.
(2) Maintenance Figure of Merit (MFOM) V2. MFOM2 comes from Corona to RMAIS
to 3-M. The lower MFOM is, the more maintenance worthy.
EOC (maintenance)
Equipment Operational Capability 0-1. 0 Being lowest
Ship Force Man Hours Expended
The Material Assessment Form (MAF) Fleet Assessment
Support Tool (FAST) (Appendix D) is used to
evaluate equipment
by the engineering technician during the assessment. This form
contains the same items and is equal to what is known as OPNAV
Form 4790.2K (2 Kilo) or Automated Work Request (AWR)
2 kilo full name (maintenance)
Form 4790.2K (2 Kilo)
The OPNAV 4790/2K form is used to report and document significant discrepancies, failures, and equipment malfunctions.
pre 2 Kilo (difference with 2 Kilo)
Cannot be seen by everyone
Scape SCBA duration
15 min
Long Range Acoustic Device
LRADs can be used by military and law enforcement for long-range communication, crowd control, and establishing communication in noisy environments.
Small boat treat scalation [8]
2- 1MC
3- Bridge to bridge
4- ‘man sket’
5- track
6- track and train
7- flares
8- warning shots
A Small Caliber Attack Team (SCAT) or Small Craft Attack Team typically refers to a specialized military unit or group trained and equipped to conduct offensive operations using small-caliber weapons, often on waterborne platforms.
What weapon systems can be utilize on the gun mounts for SCAT
M240 is a 7.62mm medium machine gun, and M2A1 is a powerful .50 caliber heavy machine gun often associated with Small Craft Attack Teams.
4 Things needed for warning shots
- Riffle/ cruise weapon
- Overwater
- Clear line of sight
- Properly qual’d
Check before assuming watch as OOD [5]
- Mooring lines
- Check the roll-off dumpster
- Gun mount serial #
- Comms
- Pier services
1MC 21:55 22:00
“Tattoo, Tattoo, lights out in five minutes”
“Taps taps. All hands turn in to your bunks. Maintain silence about the decks. Taps.”
Bravo flies with
Lima to establish HERO condition
Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance.
Who can grant political asylum?
Even the Commanding Officer lacks the authority to grant asylum unless individuals manage to reach the vessel independently.
12 o clock reports
- Boat Report
- Cyber
- Draft
- Fuel, oil and water
- Muster
- Mag Temp
- SKID report
- Fire safety
Reaction time for SRF BRF RF
SRF 5 minutes BRF & RF 10 minutes
Brow falls in the water
Inform section leader, call CDO and communicate with Port-Ops
Standing Order 21 (Lassen only)
Instruction applicable assume the watch OOD
Lost of Power
who to inform and what to pass
Security Alert, call ATWO
“Security Alert, Security Alert, away the security reaction force and the back up reaction force, muster the reserve force, reason for security alert is …”
Call security alert
“Security Alert, Security Alert, away the security reaction force and the back up reaction force, muster the reserve force, reason for security alert is …”
Disorderly Conduct on QD
- Check on them
- ATWO advice if not found
- Deescalate call MA1
When do getting underway check-off list?
Gyros take 96 hours
HERO signature
Fire safety watch initial at the bottom
Something that would make all hot work cease
Lost of firemain
During crane operations
Secure the brow, if crossing wear hard hat
What are the 5 aloft areas
- The 05 level is part of ZONE 1. Access to the 05 level is controlled by Type 2 RADHAZ signs at the foot of the ladder on the signal shelter deck and on the interior of the FCS 1 room door. EHF SATCOM antennas 3-12/3-13 and HF Fan Wire antennas 2-1 Port & Starboard present a radiation hazard when energized in this area. - ZONE 1 includes the Forward CIWS mount platform. HF antenna 2-1, SPY-1D radar, SIMRAD radar and CIWS mount 21 present a hazard to personnel working in this area.
- ZONE 2 encompasses a large area and requires close coordination between the CSOOW and Radio Supervisor. A radiation hazard exists when working in close proximity to HF antennas 2-3/2-4.
- ZONE 3 covers the forward stack. HF antenna 2-3, INMARSAT B, NR1 GTG, GTM 1A/B and SPY-1 present a hazard to personnel.
- ZONE 4 covers the aft stack. CIWS mount 22 above RADOME, DIR 2, DIR 3, HF antennas 2-3 and 2-4 and SPY-1D radar as well as NR2 GTG and GTM 2A/B must be secured.
Note: CIWS MT 22 is not an aloft zone. If work will be performed above MT 22 radome, all zone 4 requirements must be satisfied. - In the event of a sudden loss of ship’s power, the standby GTG may start automatically. The EOOW/EDO shall, whenever possible, ensure that NR3 GTG is the standby GTG when working aloft in zones 2 and 3.
- All working aloft zones (1, 2, 3, and 4) will be secured when rigging and taking down the up-and-over cables.
- The ship’s whistle shall not be secured while underway. A placard will be affixed to provide a positive reminder to bridge watch standers of personnel working aloft. The OOD shall maintain contact with the safety observer to warn personnel working aloft of an impending whistle blast.
Permissions to go aloft
From the Combat Systems Officer of the Watch (CSOOW), Engineering Duty Officer (EDO)/Engineering Officer of the Watch (EOOW), OOD and Command Duty Officer (CDO) (in port) or CO (underway) is obtained
Route the Working Aloft Request to the OOD of nested ships
How often to call Aloft
Full at the whole hour
Simplified at the half hour
Where to shoot warning shots
In front, 50 yards offset
After warning shots what’s the next order and the one right after?
Disabling fire
Deadly force
Most forward mount
Mount 502 (port side)
Class Sierra Fire
Special Class Fire
Lithium Battery
Class A near ordenance
Alfa Fire
Bravo Fire
Liquid Fire
Charlie Fire
Delta Fire
Name of the night lights of the ship
Dressing lights
Where are the dressing lights
- After stbd side knee knocker at pilot house two sharp lefts
Four switches - Midship first space towards mess decks
- Port side fan room by Station 8
- Starboard side fan room by boat deck
Target angle
Angle from target’s view
Relative Bearing
Rrefers to the direction of an object or point in relation to the heading of the vessel or observer.
Position Angle
Position angle typically refers to the angle measured counterclockwise from the north celestial pole to the point where an imaginary line, such as the line of sight to a celestial object, intersects the celestial sphere.
Absolute Bearing
Absolute bearing is the compass direction or azimuth from an observer to a particular location or object, measured in degrees clockwise from true north.
Terms for Plain language vs Use of code word
Overt = Plain
Covert = Code
M9 max effective range
The effective range of the M9 pistol, also known as the Beretta M9, is typically considered to be around 50 meters (55 yards).
What could you use for communication during Loss of Power?
Sound Power Phone
Stages of mental awareness
- White (Vulnerable): This state refers to being unaware and unprepared, often associated with a lack of attention or vigilance towards one’s surroundings. It implies a higher vulnerability to potential risks or threats.
- Yellow (Neutral): Yellow signifies a state of relaxed alertness and awareness. It means being attentive and observant of the environment without a specific threat or imminent danger. It is a state of being prepared to respond if necessary.
- Orange (Alert): The orange state indicates a heightened level of awareness and preparedness. It suggests that there is a potential threat or danger nearby, requiring increased attention and readiness to take appropriate action.
- Red (Prepared): Red signifies a state of high alert and preparedness. It implies that there is an immediate threat or danger present, and individuals in this state are fully prepared to respond and take necessary actions to mitigate the risk.
- Black (Sensory Overload): Black represents a state of sensory overload or overwhelm. It suggests that an individual’s senses are overwhelmed by excessive stimuli, which can lead to reduced awareness, impaired decision-making, or difficulty processing information effectively.
Come reason for the AC to shut off?
Overheating: If the AC unit becomes overheated due to a malfunctioning compressor, blocked airflow, or insufficient refrigerant levels, it may automatically shut off as a safety measure to prevent further damage.
Other: Chill water down
If liberty buddies don’t have control
Call MA and HM
Log it
Set up watch for inebriated sailor if necessary
Who signs divers?
Qual to be a rover safety watch
Fire Detection System
These sensors are capable of detecting changes in temperature, smoke, or the presence of certain gases associated with fires. Once a sensor detects a potential fire, it sends a signal to the ship’s central control station or fire control center.
Standing Order for the Lassen Deck Log
Standing Order 19
Ram fan is powered by
Fire Main
SORM for watches inport
Chapter 4
Before starting ram fam
Ground it
Order of QD turn over
Messenger +15 min
POOW + 15 min
How do you secure the hose of the ram fan
Instruction for fires inport
Instruction 8010
How many feet is the hose in the ram fan
15 per trunk 45 total
Lost of firemain
Security Alert
Bomb threat call
- Queu 1MC (No top side)
- Secure Radios
- Secure Brow
- Call away force protection alert
First Sub (flag)
Embarked commander is not onboard
Deblausing allowed when over what temperature
between 85.0°F - 87.9°F
Spillage sizes
Small up to 1,000 gallons
Medium between 1,000 and 10,000 gallons
Mayor over 10,000 gallons
Spillage counter measures
Engineer department will respond and send a SITREP message. All hands will aid.
Port ops primary responsability
“Assemble” is used for
Khaki, in other words: E-7 and above.
No 1MC except for emergencies after
When announcing an O-7 or O-8
Do not put in the title upper or lower half.
How to announce an O-4 or above visitor
“#grade# United States Navy, Arriving”
Number of sideboys equals
the number of bells
Number of bells for an officer.
Eight for a vice admiral or above, six for a rear admiral or rear admiral (lower half), four for a captain or commander, or two for an officer below the grade of commander.
EDO responsibilities
Sounding and security/
IEM equipment
Cold iron
OOD in charge of what watches
Security Watches: topside rover, internal rover, pier sentry.
o Code
red and white striped, used in conjunction with other flags
“At the dip” and “closed up” meaning
A hoist or signal is said to be at the dip when it is hoisted about half of the full extent of the halyards. A hoist or signal is said to be close up when it is hoisted to the full extent of the halyards.
Flown with CODE.
Divers are in the water on my ship.
Flown on the water side of the ship.
Weapons practices
Fueling or transferring explosive or inflammable material.
I require a Pilot
Flown with CODE:
My ship has a harbor pilot onboard. Flown on stbd side.
Flown with out CODE:
Helicopter Operations
At the DIP
Preparing to go alongside.
Closed UP
Ready to go alongside.
Haul down once alongside.
Personnel Working Aloft
Used with Hero conditions
Medical duty ship
No visual watch
Man overboard
Personnel recall to ship
Senior Officer Present Afloat (SOPA)
Absence of civil or military official whose flag is flying on this ship.
An imminent start
loss of fire main
Security Alert
Engineering Casualty
Senior enlisted for ATO
Force Protection Duty Officer