Polytrauma Flashcards
Minor falls most common cause
Leads to polypharmacy-CNS acting medication leading to OD, suicidality, chronic symptomalogy
Polytrauma dx
Brain Injury
Orthopedic injury
Organ damage
Surgical procedures
Polytrauma Assessment
COPM to establish client-centered goals, challenging with polytrauma, COPM for measurement of goals
Occupational profile
Polytrauma intervention
Telehealth for older adults
Medication management (polypharmacy)
Coping strategies
Mindfulness: tai chi techniques to increase sleep when addressing sleep dysfunction
Pain managemebt
An unpleasant sensory, emotional experience associated with or resembling that associated with actual or potential tissue damage
Nocioceptive pain
Actual/threatened damage to non-neural tissue, caused by activation of nocioceptor
Neuropathic pain
Lesions or diseases occurring in central/peripheral nervous system
Nociplastic pain
Altered nocioception without evidence of threatened or actual tissue damage
High impact pain
Pain that interferes with daily life or work activities
Long term consequences of PAIn
Physical dysfunction
Psychological disorder (depression, impaired memory, impaired attention)
Impaired sleep
Impaired sexual function
Interference with work performance
Impaired QOL
Increased economic burden
Intervention framework/theory for pain
In ease pain with biomedical approach, now biopsychologicql used
-emphasis on reduction, symptom mgmt, abd impact on health/wellbess
Self management
Activities person carries out to increase skills and confidence in managing their health problem
Health management
activities related to developing, managing, maintaining health and wellness routines including self management with goal of improving or maintaining health to support participation in other occupation
Assessing Pain
Assess pain presence, intensity, location, type and frequency, pain coping skills, perceptions, cognitive/emotional response, and self efficaxy
General pain Assessments
Brief Pain Inventory
FLACC Behavioral Pain scale
Mcgill Pain Questionnaire
Numeric rating scale
PEG scale
Visual Analog Dcale
Wong-Baker Faces Pain Scale
Site Specific pain assessment
DASH (hand, wrist, shoulder)
Owestry Pain Disability (wrist)
Performance Skill pain Assessments
Central sensitization inventory
fear avoidance beliefs Questionnaire
Pain Catastrophizing Scale
Pain Coping Questionnaire
Pain self-efficacy Questionnaire
Self compassion scale
Sensory symptoms checklist
Occupational experience profile
Pain assessments validated for client’s with Pain
Patient Specific function Scale (PSFS)
Functional Disability Inventory
Chronic pain intervention
Establishes rapport, consider readiness for change as self management to alter/develop new habits/routines related to managing pain- self management
Occupational/activity based
Virtual Reality simulation
Self regulation
Medication management
Cognitive training
Chronic pain intervention: occupational based activity
Addresses the mental, physical, and spiritual needs of a client
Chronic pain intervention: pacing/ECT
Routines-exercise, sleep, body mechanics, posture
Chronic pain intervention: PAMs
May educate on self- application in prep for occupational engagement
Chronic pain intervention: virtual simulation
Improves movement and relaxation
Chronic pain intervention: self-regulation
Sensory re-education, desensitization training, graded exposure, mindfulness and biofeedback, mirror therapy, graded motor
Chronic Pain intervention: pain neuroscience education
To help clients understand underlying client factors influencing pain
Chronic Pain intervention: self management/skills training
Development of skills to meet goals (pacing, body mechanics), goal directed tx
Flare mgmt or relapse prevention, identifying symptoms of pain and implement strategies
Psychosocial, belief patterns-CBT, acceptance and commitment therapy
Expressive activities art/writing to increase self-efficacy, required for self manaent
Chronic Pain intervention: medication management
Impact of side effects
Education to reduce stigma
Cognitive intervention
Chronic Pain intervention: self advocacy
Self-efficacy, client’s confidence in their ability to cope and carry out tasks to adequately function while experiencing pain
Assertiveness training