Politics and Society Flashcards
From which year did teachers have to be PNF members?
When were anti-fascist teachers sacked?
In 1926 how many history textbooks were banned?
101 of 317
How had illiteracy changed from in 1921 to 1936?
It fell from 27% in 1921 to 17% in 1936.
What was in all classrooms?
A portrait of Mussolini
What did the GUF organise at university level?
The Littoriali, national student games which ran from 1934-1940.
When was the ONB set up? And when was it restructured?
1926 and restructured in 1934.
When was the ONB made complusory? (although membership was never total)
Which other youth organisation was allowed?
Catholic Action
What percentage of newspaper sales were Fascist publications?
What restrictions were put on the press?
- Prefects could confiscate whole editions of newspapers.
- Left wing papers like Avanti were banned.
- All Fascist journalists had join a Fascist Union which controlled their access to jobs and promotions.
- Mussolini’s press secretary gave instructions about how the Duce should be reported about.
- Journalists were not to report on crime/suicide/traffic accidents or anything to give the impression that Italy was free of social problems.
When was the OND formed?
How many OND members were there by 1939?
4 million
What was the social background of OND members?
Disportionately middle class - (80% of white-collar workers were members compared to 40% of industrial workers).
What was the OND renamed and when did it last until?
ENAL, 1978
How many photos of Mussolini were distributed? In how many different poses?
3 million, 2500 poses.
Sport was used to show Italian strength - when did the Italian football team win the World Cup?
1934 and 1938
What did architecture (e.g. train station built for Hitler’s visit) often allude to?
Ancient Rome
When did radio start to be used as propaganda and for offical broadcasts?
1924 (increased in the 1930s)
How many art exhibitions were held each year?
50 (major ones were held every 4 years in Rome and Venice).
What did the OND and Fascist Culture Institute seek to create by spreading culture?
Theatre for the 20,000
What did Musicians have to join? (Where they were encouraged to reject foreign influences).
Fascist Union of Musicians
When did over 200 intellectuals meet in Bologna? What did they make?
1925, the Manifesto of Fascist Intellectuals
What did the Manifesto of Fascist Intelluctals declare?
That without Fascism there would be no culture.
How was the Italian film industry encouraged?
Subsidies and restrictions of hollywood imports.
What had to be shown before films in cinemas?
A newsreel with Fascist news, sport items and information about Il Duce.
True or False: Internal migration had to be approved?
Who were the Rosselli brothers killed by whilst in exile in Frane in 1937?
The OVRA and SIM (military spying organisation).
Who was the death penalty reintroduced for?
Anyone who tried to kill the KIng, Mussolini or threatened state security.
How many informants did the OVRA have?
about 5000
Who read/tapped into mail and phone calls?
Special Reserve Service
How many of those who went before Special Tribunals were acquitted? Or what was the average sentence?
3/4 acquitted, average service of 5 years.
How many executions were there before 1940? And 1940-43?
9 before and 26 after
How many were imprisioned for political reasons?
How many prisioners were sent into internal exile - ‘confino’ usually in the south?
What did Mussolini introduce in the Reform of Customs in 1938?
You had to greet people with the Roman salute; act tough and warlike; civil servants had to wear military uniform; and the army were to use to passo romano (‘goose step’ march). Most people found these customs ridiculous and too like Germany so didn’t adopt them.
When were the anti-semitic decrees?
What were Jews in Italy not allowed to do after 1938?
They were forbidden from marrying ‘pure’ Italians, owning more than 50 hectarces of land, holding public office, owning a bsuiness with more than 100 employees or having ‘pure’ Italian servants. Jewish foreign nationals were deported and Jewish pupils were expelled from schools. Lecturers also lost their jobs at universities.
Who (importantly) disapproved of the anti-semitic decrees?
The Pope
When did membership of the PNF become complusory in the civil service?
When was the non-fascist Police Chief in post?
Which law gave workers rights to arbitration courts but banned strikes and gave syndicates no power to create government policy?
Rocco Law, April 1926
When were the Lateran Pacts?
11th February 1929
What did the Lateran Pacts agree?
Vatican city became a sovereign state ruled by the Pope; the Church received 750 million lire and 100 million lire worth of state bonds in compensation; Catholicism became the official state religion; and Catholic Action was allowed to continue.
By what percentage did a plebisicite endorse the Lateran Pacts?
Why were there renewed Church-state tensions in 1930/1?
Catholic Action groups organised sporting activities and so the police raiding Catholic Action groups in 1930/1.
What was the Pope’s encyclical called?
‘We have no need’