politics and law Flashcards
what does greek word “polis” mean?
city or body of citizens
what does the greek word “astu” mean?
what does the greek base “acro” mean?
how were cities described in greece?
family, legal system, and army
what does it mean to say man is a “political animal”?
society came into being for a natural purpose. human beings nee to form communities in order to survive. human beings by nature tend to live in cities.
what is the most basic unit of a society?
what were features of the greek polis?
war among greek city-states and larger forces. also autonomy and political freedom
who coined the term “political animal”
what is the latin word for city?
what is the latin word for citizen?
what is a greek monarchy?
variety of different types of rulers. (kings, tyrants, and other despots)
what was the council of elders advising the king called? (latin? greek?)
latin: senatus
greek: boule
what does “noscere” mean?
to know
what was an “ekklesia”?
assembly of people in the early monarchies
true or false: the monarchy was strong in ancient greece
what was hellenistic monarchy?
after invasion of the macedonians, alexander the great defeated the persian empire and a strong monarchy arose, using many characteristics of the persian type
latin word for leader
princeps or dux
how did greek tyrants compare and contrast to modern day tyrants?
contrast: greek tyrants weren’t always “bad”. some were moderate and quite popular. modern day tyrants are known as overbearing and evil.
compare: revolutionary leaders who overthrow monarchies. wealthy through trade, change in military tactices, and socio-economic changes. unconstitutional
greek word for “people”
greek word for “power, dominion”
what does “demokratia” mean?
popular government, power in the hands of the people
who started athenian democracy?
main features of athenian democracy
- redistribution of citizens of athens into artificial rather than ethnic tribes
- election of councilors by lot
- short term of office for political leaders
- sovereignty of ekklesia (popular assembly)
- payment of political officers
what is ostracism?
to exclude someone from a society or group