mythology Flashcards
what is mythology?
study of stories
steps of the creation of the world
chaos -> ge/gaia -> uranus -> fertilized earth
what is theogony?
“birth of the gods”
briefly explain theogony
- gaia and uranus given birth to the titans, including kronos
- kronos castrates uranus and rules in his plane
- kronos marries rhea (his sister) and she gives birth to zeus
- kronos eats the children he has with rhea (except zeus)
- zeus escapes to crete
- the rest of the children are thrown up: demeter, hades, hera, hestia, poseidon
what is an attribute?
associated tokens often used to identify a god in art
what is an epithet?
descriptive phrases that describe the god
attributes of zeus
thunderbolt, throne, eagle, oak tree, scepter
epithets of zeus
father of gods and men, son of kronos, cloud- gatherer
attributes of hera
peacock, scepter, throne
epithets of hera
cow-eyed, argive
attributes of poseidon
trident, marine life, older with beard
epithets of poseidon
attributes of aphrodite
nude, doves, often shown with son Eros/cupid
epithets of aphrodite
attributes of eros/cupid
bow and arrow
epithets of eros/cupid
beautiful, limb-loosening
attributes of ares
armor, weapons, often with aphrodite/venus
epithets of ares
man-slaughtering, brazen
attributes of athena
aegis (goat skin shield/ cloak), owl, woman in armor
epithets of athena
pallas, parthenos, daughter of zeus, patron goddess of athens
attributes of hephaestus
hammer and anvil, tongs
epithets of hephaestus
smith, the lame god
attributes of Artemis
short dress, bow and arrow, wildlife (often deer)
epithets of artemis
far-shooter, shooter of deer, virgin goddess