POLITICS 1919-1928 Flashcards
WHAT are some reasons why Chancellors were brought down during the years 1919-1923?
- Issues concerning Versailles
- Collapsing coalitions
- Political violence
- Votes of no confidence
WHICH Chancellors fell due to issues relating to the Treaty of Versailles?
- Schiedemann (Feb - June 1919) resigned as he refused to sign the treaty
- Ferenbach’s (June 1920 - May 1921) coalition collapsed after the reparations ultimatum
- Wirth (May 1921 - November 1922) resigned over Upper Silesia being given to Poland
WHICH Chancellors fell due to collapsing coalitions?
- Ferenbach (June 1920 - May 1921) over reparations
- Marx (November 1923 - January 1925) had coalitons collapse twice
WHICH Chancellors fell due to votes of no confidence?
- Cuno (November 1922 - August 1923) SPD took a vote of no confidence after the Ruhr invasion
- Stresemann (August 1923 - November 1923) SPD took a vote of no confidence
WHY did Bauer (Chancellor June 1919 - March 1920) resign?
Because of the Kapp Putsch
WHY did short-lived coalition governments create resentment of the Weimar Republic?
- Despite the changes in government, the coalitions often had many of the same parties and so changes in policies were not as great as some voters may have expected
- Deals and compromises had to be made meaning that each party could not hold true to their promises
WHAT was the prominence of extremist parties by 1924?
They were beginning to find themselves now at the political fringe
WHAT could be a reason for the decrease in Nazi votes during the period 1924-29?
- Respectable voters shunned them as they disliked their violent reputation
- Increasing stability led to less support for extremism
WHICH parties saw a decrease in support in the ‘golden age’ 1924-28?
- KPD (although they still held around 10%)
- USPD (to almost 0%)
- DDP (down to around 5%)
- DVP (slowly declining, especially after the death of Stresemann)
- NSDAP (2.6% in May 1928)
HOW do voting patterns show that the Weimar Republic was becoming more stable in the period 1924-28?
- Less of a spread of the vote (concentrated on fewer parties like SPD, DNVP and Centre)
- Slightly more support for centrist parties
- Less support for extremist parties (particularly right wing parties - although it could be argued that the right’s vote went mostly to the DNVP)
WHEN did President Ebert die?
28th February 1925
WHAT were the rules for the 1925 Presidential election?
If no candidate got 50% in the 1st round, there would be a 2nd round. Parties could nominate a new candidate for the 2nd round and the candidate with the most votes (not necessarily majority) in the 2nd round would be President.
WHAT was the outcome of the first round of the 1925 Presidential election?
- Karl Jarres (DVP): 38.8%
- Otto Brawn (SPD): 29.0%
- Wilhelm Marx (Z): 14.5%
WHICH parties supported Hindenburg in the 2nd round of the 1925 presidential elections?
All of the right wing: DVP, DNVP, BVP and NSDAP
WHAT was the result of the 2nd round of the 1925 presidential election?
Hindenburg: 48.3%
Wilhelm Marx: 45.3%
Ernst Thalmann: 6.4%
WHICH parties supported Wilhelm Marx in the 2nd round of the 1925 presidential elections?
All of the left, but the KPD: Z, SPD, DDP
WHAT was the mistake of the left during the 1925 presidential elections?
Because of the KPD’s mistrust of the SPD, the left was split. If they had combined their votes, hypothetically they could have won the election by about 3%.
WHAT did Hindenburg allegedly do before agreeing to stand as a candidate in the 1925 presidential elections?
Ask the exiled ex-Kaiser for his permission
WHY did people vote for Hindenburg in the 1925 Presidential elections?
He attracted political groups and voters who wanted an authoritarian government as he was a monarchist
In WHAT ways would the election of Hindenburg strengthen Weimar democracy?
- Possibly helped convince some elites to support Weimar, but only because Hindenburg was seen as more authoritarian
- Took his oath seriously and never did anything unconstitutional
In WHAT ways would the election of Hindenburg weaken Weimar democracy?
- He was a symbol of the past (military uniform and authoritarian views)
- Instilled hope that he would restore old order
- Not even the majority vote
- He did not believe in democracy and would not defend it against its enemies
WHAT is an Ersatkaiser and WHO was seen as one?
An Ersatkaiser was a subsitute emperor and the right saw Hindenburg as this due to his monarchist and authoritarian views
WHAT percentage of votes in May 1928 were for pro-Weimar parties?
WHAT did historian Peukert say about attitudes/voting in the late 1920s?
Peukert argued that there was a decline in liberalism in the late 1920s (e.g. the DDP lost ground)
WHAT did historian Bookbinder say about support for the Weimar Republic in the late 1920s?
That there was not enough inspirations from political leaders and insufficient encouragement of democracy among opinion formers (e.g. teachers, clergy, newspaper editors, etc.) for the lack of support/change for the Weimar Republic in these years
WHAT was the opinion of the middle class on Weimar during the late 1920s?
They often felt left behind by the government as they did not benefit from any wage rises or by the welfare state. They also weren’t given any compensation after hyperinflation
WHAT were the main factors which influenced an individual’s vote?
- Religion
- Class
- Region
WHAT percentage of the electorate was working class?
HOW MANY votes was needed for a political party to get a deputy in the Reichstag?
Only 60,000