HOW MANY Jewish people had left Germany and Austria 1933-39?
Over half from each country. This would have been due to emigration, deportation and the murder of Jewish people.
WHEN were Jewish people banned from emigrating in Nazi Germany?
October 1941
HOW MANY Jewish people left Germany in 1933?
HOW MANY Jewish people voluntarily left Germany between 1933 and 1938?
A total of 150,000
WHAT were some problems with voluntary emigration of Jewish people in Nazi Germany?
- The Nazis encouraged emigration, but also confiscated Jewish people’s assets (meaning they had less money to do so)
- Many Jewish Germans (particularly the older generation) felt thoroughly German and wanted to stay, believing that Nazi anti-Semitism would pass.
WHAT types of people could more easily emigrate?
Those who had family in another country, or had an easily transferable job.
WHAT does ‘Judenfrei’ mean?
‘Jew-free.’ The Nazi plan to have no Jewish people living in Germany.
WHAT was the Central Office for Jewish Emigration?
An Nazi organisation which was set up in Austria after Anschluss which forced Jewish Austrians to emigrate. Applicants had to pay for the right to emigrate and the organisation illegally seized Jewish property to fund the emigration of poorer people.
WHAT was the Reich Association of the Jews in Germany?
A Nazi organisation created by the SD which amalgamated all Jewish organisations. All organisational difficulties had to be dealt with by Jewish people themselves.
WHAT was the Madagascar Plan?
A Nazi plan to send 4 million Jewish people to Madagascar (under French control, and now German as Germany had defeated France) to live in harsh conditions in ghettos.
WHAT do different historians argue the significance of the Madgascar Plan is?
- Some say it is proof that the Nazis had not always intended for the extermination of all Jewish people
- Others argue that it proves the opposite: that the Nazis had always intended to send Jewish people to die somewhere far away
WHEN was the Evian Conference?
July 1938
WHAT was the Evian Conference?
- A conference called by US President Roosevelt to discuss the ‘refugee crisis’
- 32 delegations
- Only the Dominican Republic agreed to take more refugees.
HOW did the UK and US deal with Jewish emigration from Nazi-controlled countries?
- A US bill to accept more German children in 1939 and 1940 never made it to Congress
- British government limited emigration to Palestine (under British control)
WHEN did the Nazis invade Poland?
HOW was Poland structured after 1939?
It was split into three parts:
1. The Western parts (incorporated into the German Reich)
2. The Eastern parts (occupied by the USSR)
3. The in-between area, named the ‘General Government’
WHAT was the ‘General Government’?
The in-between area of Poland, not incorporated into the German Reich, but occupied by the Nazis. It became a dumping ground for Jewish people deported from the Reich and most death camps built in the 1940s were located in this area.
WHAT was the problem with the Nazis’ use of the ‘General Government’ area of Poland?
Too many Jewish people from across Europe were ordered to be deported to this area, and the authorities couldn’t cope.
WHEN was Reichskristallnacht?
9th-10th November 1938
WHO was the driving force behind Reichskristallnacht?
Goebbels, who was trying to win back Hitler’s favour.
WHAT was the official trigger for Reichskristallnacht?
Death of a German consular official, Ernst von Rath, who was shot in Paris by a Polish Jewish man, Herschel Grynszpan.
HOW MANY Jewish people were killed during Reichskristallnacht?
HOW MANY Jewish people were placed in ‘protective custody’ following Reichskristallnacht?
20,000 - 30,000 people
WHAT are some key elements of Reichskristallnacht?
- Jewish homes and businesses were looted and vandalised
- Synagogues were set on fire
- Thousands of Jewish people were arrested/beaten up
- The SS directed the police not to intervene
- Fire brigade only present in order to stop fires from spreading to other buildings
WHAT did Nazi propaganda portray Reichskristallnacht as?
They announced that ‘the National Soul had boiled over,’ suggesting that Reichskristallnacht was a spontaneous and violent display of the people’s anti-semitism
WHAT were the economic consequences of Reichskristallnacht?
- The Jewish community was forced to pay 1 billion Reichsmarks for the damage
- All insurance money went to the government
- Decree Excluding Jews from German Economic Life accelerated the Aryanisation of German businesses
WHEN was the Decree Excluding Jews from German Economic Life passed?
12th November 1938, 2 days after Reichskristallnacht.
WHAT was the Decree Excluding Jews from German Economic Life?
Law passed after Reichskristallnacht which accelerated the Aryanisation of German businesses
HOW does Reichskristallnacht show the radicalisation of Nazi Germany?
- Murder of NSDAP abroad founder, Willhelm Gustloff, in 1936 caused no such violent response
- Shows Nazis’ lack of care for foreign opinion at this point of the regime.
HOW were Jewish people isolated/alienated in Nazi Germany from 1939-1941?
- Radio sets confiscated
- Excluded from wartime clothing rationing allowances
- Restrictions on entering shops and curfews
- Police permit required to travel
- Forced to wear the yellow star of David in Germany
WHEN was the first Jewish ghetto set up?
February 1940
WHERE was the first Jewish ghetto set up?
Lodz, Poland
HOW MANY Jewish people lived in the Lodz ghetto?
HOW did the Nazis economically exploit Jewish people in the ghettos?
- Confiscated their homes after they were put in ghettos
- Many were forced to sell their valuables to survive
- Forced labour within the ghettos
WHAT were the conditions like in the Jewish ghettos?
- Few homes had running water
- Food and fuel were scarce
- Diseases like spotted fever, typhus, typhoid and TB spread rapidly
- Ghettos were very overcrowded
HOW did Jewish authorities try to get around Nazi regulations in the ghettos?
- Black markets were used to smuggle food from the outside
- Prayers and religious festivals were organised
- Set up illegal schools and printing presses
For WHAT purpose were the ghettos designed for?
- Jewish people were to be isolated from society
- They ensured that Jewish people died in large numbers of starvation, cold or disease.
WHEN and WHERE were the Einsatzgruppen first used?
In Austria 1938 to ‘Nazify’ the newly occupied area
WHICH types of people were initially targeted by the Einsatzgruppen in the USSR?
- Communist officials
- Red Army commissars
- Partisans (armed groups which secretly fought against Nazi occupation)
- The ‘Jewish-Bolshevist Intelligentsia’
WHAT did the Einsatzgruppen do in the USSR in reality?
Carried out mass killings of Jewish Soviets from the second half of 1941
HOW MANY Jewish people are thought to have been murdered by the Einsatzgruppen in the USSR initially?
Estimated 500,000 murdered in June-July 1941
HOW MANY men were involved in the mass killing of Jewish people by 1941 (and what types of people)?
Around 40,000, including ‘regular men’ conscripted into the police and army, as well as Einsatzgruppen ‘special units.’
HOW organised were the mass killing of Jewish people outside the death camps?
Not very centralised:
* Some areas restricted the killings only to ‘intelligentsia’ (communists) and partisans
* Others, like the Einsatgruppen and some local volunteers set about killing as many Jewish people as possible.