In WHICH years was Germany led by parliamentary government?
1919 - 1930
In WHICH years was Germany led by dictatorship?
1933 - 1945
In WHICH years was Germany led by presidential government?
1930 - 1933
WHAT was the communist slogan for their presidential campaign 1932?
‘A vote for Hindenburg is a vote for Hitler, a vote for Hitler is a vote for war.’
WHEN was the second presidential election (re-election of Hindenburg)?
WHY did Hindenburg win by majority in the 1932 presidential election?
He had the support of Centre party and SPD voters (neither party put up their own candidate as they did not want to split the vote)
WHAT was the result of the 1932 presidential election (2nd round)?
53% Hindenburg
36% Hitler
10% Thalmann
WHO was Papen?
A Catholic, Zentrum politician and former aristocratic army officer. Thoroughly anti-democratic
HOW did Papen come to power?
Bruning was forced to resign and Hindenburg replaced him with Papen because of the influence of Schleicher
HOW and WHY did von Papen try to appeal to the Nazis?
- June 1932: lifted ban on the SA
- July 1932: agreed to Hitler’s demands for a new election
- He wanted to increase his support in the Reichstag using the Nazis
WHAT percentage of the vote did the Nazis have in July 1932 and November 1932?
July: 37.3%
November: 33.1%
The Nazis were the largest party in the Reichstag both times
HOW did von Papen remove any remaining democracy in Germany during his chancellorship?
He deposed the socialist-led coalition government in Prussia
WHEN did Hitler first demand to be made Chancellor?
In August 1932, after the July elections made the Nazis the largest party in the Reichstag
WHEN did von Papen’s government fall?
December 1932
HOW did Papen’s government fall?
1) The Reichstag declared no-confidence in Papen by 92%.
2) Hindenburg dissolved the Reichstag
3) Papen proposed to permanently replace the Reichstag and suppress opposition with the army
4) Schleicher persuaded Hindenburg to dismiss Papen
WHICH parties were the largest after the November 1932 elections?
NSDAP (33%)
SPD (20%)
KPD (17%)
Half of the Reichstag was controlled by the anti-Weimar parties KPD and NSDAP
WHO did the elites want in charge after November 1932 and what did Hindenburg say to their demands?
They wanted Hitler as Chancellor, but Hindenburg demanded that Hitler must control a majority in the Reichstag first.
WHO was vice Chancellor under von Schleicher?
The Nazi Gregor Strasser
WHAT was a key (failed) Schleicher policy?
He tried to develop Bruning’s land resettlement schemes, but it alienated the elite who warned Hindenburg of ‘agrarian Bolshevism’ and also failed to get support from the left.
WHAT percent support did von Schleicher have in the Reichstag?
Only 9%
WHO were the key figures in the ‘Backstair’s Intrigue’?
- Von Papen (believed he could control Hitler as vice Chancellor)
- Oskar von Hindenburg (Hindenburg’s son - assured his father about the Nazi coalition)
- Otto Meissner (organised the Papen-Hitler talks and negotiated between Hindenburg and Hitler)
WHEN did Hitler become Chancellor?
30th January 1933
WHAT was historian Laffan’s argument on how Hitler came to power?
‘… the National Socialists came to power more because of their enemies’ weaknesses and failures than because of their own strength.’
HOW accurate is it to say that the German people chose Hitler as their Chancellor?
- The Nazis did NOT have a majority, but were the largest party
- Came to power mainly due to the work of the backstair’s intrigue, but wouldn’t have come to their attention without the support of the people
- Some historians argue that the Nazi vote would have continued to decline after 1932 (as their vote had dropped between July and November, 1932)