Political Geography Flashcards
Largest and smallest state , micro states are most often
Russia 17.1 mill. Square kilometers
Monaco 1.5 square kilometers
When was UN created and why? Who did it replace
End of WWII
Facilitator of discussions regarding international affairs
League of Nations
Embers hip of UN increased when and why
1955: 16 European joined as result of Nazi Germany breakup
1960: 17 former African colonies
1990-1993: 26 bc of Soviet Union and Yugoslavia breakup
What do UN members do ?, when did a veto to peace happen
Peacekeeping and contribute military
Can veto peacekeeping (security council)
Soviet Union and US , sent troops to Korea after walk out
Why does disagreement occur about actual number of sovereign states? Examples
Historical disputes with more than one claim to territory
China: Taiwan and China Most countries consider sovereign, China considers it a part of them
Western Sahara: African countries consider sovereign, Morocco claims , built 2,700 wall , Polisario front
What is most populous state out of UN
Countries with claims to south poles, countries with conflicting claims , those who do not recognize claims
Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway, and the U.K.
Chile U.K. Argentina
US and Russia
Antarctic treaty of 1959 , 1982 United Nations conventions allowed what
Legal Framework for managing, signed by 47 states
Research no claims, rich in resources
Law of the sea to commit claims inside Arctic circle in 2009
Development of states is traced to the , it is a crossroads between, it allowed .. And .. Communications. In ancient world
Fertile Crescent , arc between Persian gulf and Med. sea
Asia Africa and Europe
Land and sea
First states known as
City states , sovereign states comprised of town and surrounding countryside
Walls = boundaries
Outside walls food for urban residents
Medieval states gained what to form what? Collapse of Roman Empire in fifth century led to
Military dominance in city states, empires
Land being parceled up and controlled by monarchies
Periodically one city or tribe gained mil. Dominance in over another in Mesopotamia which leads to
Empires like
Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians
What is a nation state and what do they have? Who and what era has the most nation states
State this territory responds to occupied by particular ethnicity
Self determination
20th century Europe
After WWI leaders of victorious countries met at Versailles peace conference to redraw , what was most important criterion, lasted through?
Map of Europe , language , most of 20th century
When the nazis were around speaking constituted? What happened after defeated ?, what ceased to exist and what did it become part of
One nationality unified into one state
Two separate Germany’s
German Democratic Republic , German federal public
-no resemblance to upheavals of 20th century
Multi ethnic state is, all contribute what to single nationality , they have traditions of?
What was a good example until fall in 1990 and what is a good example now
State with more than one ethnicity
Cultural traits , United States
Self determination
Soviet Union, Russia
Why are multinational states never perfect and what are two outcomes
Coexist in peace, try to dominate especially if more numerous
Nation states in Europe , other ten percent in Denmark are a result of , what two places does Denmark control with ethnic Danes
Denmark: 90% ethnic Danes , nearly all speak Danish, mostly all in Denmark
Slovenia: 83% ethnic Slovenes , all live in Slovenia , National Assembly has seat for Hungarian and Hungary because after WWI boundaries left some in Italy
Guest workers from turkey or refugees form ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia
Greenland and Faroe
Independent nation states in former soviet republics
15 republics based on 15 largest ethnicities
Became 15 independent states consisting of five groups
How did Karl Marx explain nationalism and how did Europe look at ethnicities back then , what did they used to use
Way for dominate social class to maintain power Unimportant relic Now important because of breakup of SU and creation of nation states Centripetal force: Russian language socialist realism, role of religion demoted
Soviet Union Yugoslavia Czechoslovakia who wanted to be dismantled
Russia, Serbs, Czechs
Wanted to be independent nation state
Three European why Belarus and Ukraine , Moldova is indistinguishable from , what happened to both
Belarus 81 Ukraine 78 Moldova 78 -speak similar East Slavic -orthodox Christians Western Ukraine- Roman Catholic Isolated by Mongolians and invasions by Lithuanians and poles Romanians - soviets seized, boundary was Dniester and birth Ukraine and Russians didn't want them to reunify with Romania
Five central Asian
Turkmenistan Uzbekistan
-Muslims Altaic language , more peaceful than a nation state
Kyrgyzstan - resent Russians for taking best farmland
Kazakhstan - two times as large as rest put together, less depressed economy than Russia
Tajikistan -Indic group of indo Iranian branch of language , civil war between Tajiks and Muslims (comm. and fundamentalists) 15% homeless
Largest multinational state?, 39 ethnicities clustered into two locations ?,
Borders with enough boring states
Mongolia: buryats tuvinian
Chechens, Dagestani, Kabardins, and Ossetians near the Azerbaijan and Georgia
Center of Russia: Ural Mountains, Volga river basin
Bashkirs, Chuvash, and Tatars.